Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Work, Health, Mate

I am filled with love, peace and joy.

For a creative, supportive workplace, good health and the perfect mate.

As I sit here and relax into this moment, I let all other moments go and just breathe right here and right now ... I feel the power, the presence of life here in this moment ... I breathe in love ... I exhale all that is in opposition to love ... Again ... and Again ...

I feel clear and present right here where I am. I feel the presence of an intelligence, a power, a peace that transcends my individuality; in this moment I know I am an integral part of something larger than myself. I accept this feeling, this knowing ...

I affirm there is one power, one presence, one omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient being that is everywhere equally present and active. I affirm that I am one with this being now and always. I affirm that from this being comes all that exists, all that moves, all that is known and unknown in this universe. I affirm my ability to join with the creative power of this being to choose the life I manifest here and now.

With this thought clearly in mind, I consciously choose my words and speak them into the law of creation, accepting their manifestation here and now.

I am gently and inexorably guided into work that is cordial and friendly. We work as a team to accomplish our service to the greater world around us.

I am healthy and strong; filled with love, peace and joy.

I am beautiful and I draw that person to me that compliments my beauty with their own beauty; two individuals in a dance of trust, understanding, commitment and caring; evolving together embraced in Love. From this loving embrace springs forth new life, a new being to move gracefully forward through time with us. I am so blessed.

Yes, this is the truth. I say it. I believe it. I accept it. And now I release these words into the creative process accepting their truth now, living their truth now, being grateful for their truth now. Thank you God!

As I feel, think, speak, so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 7/17/06)

Law of Attraction -- Creative Work

I move confidently forward listening to Spirit ...

For You to open and accept the goodness of Life and all its rewards as you freely give your gifts to the world through creative work.

I sit here calmly contemplating the workings of the Universe. I close my eyes and sense the sun streaming through the window; I feel the keyboard under my fingers and the thoughts in my brain activating my fingers. I breathe deeply and relax into this moment and the flow of information and energy that I am. I feel my oneness with the sunlight, the keyboard, the thoughts and responses and know I am one with the Intelligence creating this Universe. Yes, we are one, harmonious whole from beginning to end.

Being one with the Intelligence creating the Universe I realize my word has creative power. I consciously declare this to be true right now. I carefully choose my words and speak them in order to create the experience of more good in my life. I know in this moment that You and I are one in Mind and let this be so. I know the good that expresses through You as the creative process comes from this Mind. I know this very same Mind is behind each and every creative work You are associated with and that the right, perfect choice is available to You now in Mind.


I relax further into this Truth and face squarely any perceived obstacles to producing this work. I move confidently forward listening to the inspiration of Spirit through the one Mind. I am drawn to the right people, the right circumstances, the right words and actions in pursuing this dream. And I am open to receive, accept and act on the right answers.

The inspiration that initiates this process carries me forward as on the wings of an angel and I Love every moment of this experience. I am filled with energy and enthusiasm and spread Love wherever I go. This is truly a work of the heart. I gratefully accept this Truth and pause now and say, "Thank You Creative Intelligence for your gifts! I accept and pass them on with Love ... always with Love."

I release these words now to the one Mind knowing they are true even before they are spoken. And so it is.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/29/97)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Ill Child

I am one with Spirit ...

For Mother and Father to know their Child is filled with the one Spirit, as are all the health care workers in contact with the child; and that the strength of the one Spirit is with Mother, Child and Father empowering them to naturally and easily create the maximum healing and growth for each person in the family at this time.

There is one Spirit; one omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Spirit that is everywhere equally present. Right now, in this time and place, I focus awareness on this truth and allow awareness of Spirit to be more and more centered on this truth: There is no spot Spirit is not.

Breathing deeply again and again I feel the presence within; I feel the presence all around; I am open to all possibilities and I allow Spirit's healing power to flow through me, to inspire me, to guide me. I am open to the lesson in each moment and allow the answer to flow through me; to flow from me, naturally and easily. Each apparent obstacle, each apparent problem becomes a stepping stone to the truth: Each of us are whole, perfect and complete just as we are.

I feel Spirit's unconditional love; I am one with Spirit; I am unconditional love. I feel Spirit's unconditional acceptance; I am one with Spirit; I am unconditional acceptance. I feel Spirit's wholeness; I am one with Spirit; I am whole. I feel Spirit's healing power; I am one with Spirit; I am healing power. Breathing deeply I relax and know in this very same moment Spirit is nurturing and healing our child; and I know this wonderful flow of energy I feel is unending and unlimited. I know it is with our child ... myself ... my spouse ... right now and always.

I am so thankful my awareness is focused on this truth. I am grateful for the power and peace this truth gives me now. I am thankful that I hold the high watch for our child and know that Spirit heals him/her in all ways right now as it heals me.

With joy, peace and love in my heart I release these words to the Law of Mind knowing that as they are spoken they are manifest. So, I let it be and so it is.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/26/97)

Monday, November 27, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Creating Health

I know I am cocreating health in my life ...

For knowing there is nothing to fear but fear itself when facing a dentist or doctor appointment or other apparently painful, but, nonetheless, healing procedure.

Taking this moment to sit and relax, I breathe deeply and easily ... I shake off any tension that is built up, wiggling, feeling first my hands, then my feet, my head, my legs and arms ... I say to myself, "I relax now" ... and take a few more easy, deep breaths ... I relax now ...

Settling into this moment, into this body, into this chair, I turn my attention inward to that still, silent point in me where I am one with the universal ... I listen in the silence ... There is one power, one life, one intelligence creating all that exists ... this creative force is in me always ... I feel this truth intensely now as I place all my attention on this point of universal truth in me now ... and I just peacefully breathe ... I relax now ...

As thoughts about the procedures ahead encroach on this sacred space I relax and watch them flow by ... fear slows the flow as I think "doctor" ... I breathe ... I think "pain" ... I breathe ... I look beyond thoughts of pain to a whole, perfectly functioning body that is pain free ... I breathe ... I allow my focus to be on that time after the procedure when the healing is comfortable and easy ... I acknowledge that any pain I may feel is simply my body warning me of changes happening ... I accept this awareness and inwardly say "thank you body for bringing my attention here, where I know I am safe and being taken care of. I release the need for pain and feel the comfort I seek through this process instead" ... I relax now ...

I repeat this "thank you body" litany whenever I feel pain or fear and I feel a calmness spread through my body ... I know I am safe ... I know I am cared for ... I know I am cocreating the comfort I seek in my life ... I know I am cocreating health in my life ... I accept pain for the gift it is and let it go as unnecessary here and now ... I consciously use my mind to create comfort in all situations through recognition and knowledge of the truth of my healing and wholeness ... I relax now ... I breathe and feel the calming flow of Spirit through my body ...

I am thankful for the inspiration of Spirit that comes to me with each breath ... I feel gratitude filling my body and mind with each breath ... I accept the constant flow of Spirit as the calming, encouraging, invigorating, natural flow of life I feel so strongly in me now ... and gratefully I release all fearful notions to this flow and in the process accept myself as naturally one with the Creator. I relax now ...

Feeling only Love, Power, Peace and Light I release these words to the Oneness of Life knowing they are manifest and true now!

Blessed be!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 8/21/97)

Law of Attraction -- Flow of Life and Creativity

I am guided by Spirit expressing through me, as me ...

For You and your family to feel assured there is a flow of Life and Creativity that brings only Good to you as you relax and let Spirit guide you all.

I relax, breathing easily, but fully ... I allow my mind to watch my breath, not guiding it, but just watching it ... I do this for some time, so I really get relaxed and into the rhythm ... ... ...

I feel my heart adding its rhythm to my breath ... I notice there is a rhythm to my thoughts as I wonder ... have I been watching long enough? ... I let each thought go, just like my breath ... Thoughts come and go ... Where is this leading to? ... I don't know ... What am I getting from this? ... Wait and see ...

What is true right here and now for me I see is true for all around me: the chair, the desk, the light, the air, the bushes outside the window: Everything is in motion, in rhythm with some inner intelligence making it what it is. Wow! Yes, there is a definite rhythm and flow to Life. I am one with this flow as I sit and watch myself.

I am the center of this world as I sit here feeling, seeing, hearing, knowing, wondering, understanding ... In this moment I know I am one with everything and I am happy. I am guided by Spirit expressing through me, as me, to do whatever it is that brings me to a realization of my highest good. I move confidently into the world buoyed by my experience of Oneness. I feel supported and encouraged ... I allow the deep, inner me to be expressed naturally and easily and fully! I relax and let go and the sense of flow and rhythm and Oneness returns.

I accept my creativity ... I accept my safety ... I accept my goodness ... I accept the gratitude I feel in this moment for this experience of universal and personal power. I accept that I am a child of the living Spirit, one with the Intelligence of the Universe and I gratefully participate in the flow and rhythm of Life.

I release these words to the Universe, knowing they are a vital part of the Law of Life and create only Good for me and all around me. Certainly it is so and so I let it be.

Wholly are we!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 10/20/96)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Adopt A Child

Yes, Spirit, I feel your presence now and everyday ...

For You to relax into the presence of Spirit and hold the Child you wish to adopt in the highest consciousness knowing the Child, and those responsible for this Child, are guided by this same Spirit to find safety, nurturing and consistency in this Child's upbringing.

I take time today, and each day, to pause and reflect on the beauty of nature. I look out the window and see a rainy fall day. The yellow rose droops in the wind, filled with water even as new blossoms peek out from their buds and the persimmons hang like ornaments on leafless branches. The crows caw as they crack walnuts and the cat crys to come in ... and I breathe deeply and relax, knowing I am one with all I see ... knowing I am one with all there is ...

In this mystical moment I experience the completeness of the universe and my place in it; I feel the one power, the one Intelligence, the one creative force behind, in and through me and all that exists; I experience Oneness. I know that my words, spoken from this place of conscious unity with the creative force of the universe, are causative and bring positive results in the world. I know that You and the Child are in this same creative flow because of Your request.

This is the way of the world; as we consciously, purposively, easily open to one another, we find the power to bring happiness into our lives and the lives of others. Cutting through circumstances and appearances, the love at the heart of each shines through and is honored; this is true with the Child and You. I see it, I feel it, I hear it ... and this same power and spirit is with those professionals choosing who will care for the Child. I know that the Child's highest good is served naturally and easily; I know that the gift the Child is to the world is not lost and is found by all who care for this Child. I know Love, Care and Creativity empower this Child to hold firm to the truth and open to Love.

I am filled with joy and elation, knowing that the Child is safe, secure and loved. I relax into this moment and accept its truth easily and naturally ... Yes, Spirit, I feel your presence this day and everyday. Yes, Spirit I flow on with your guidance, now and always. Yes, Spirit, we are one creative team. Thank you for empowering me, and for being with the Child and the people around them. I accept the Truth into my life now and I accept it for the Child, too. Love is the power that holds us together -- I will never forget, I will always remember.

Releasing these words to the evolution of Life, I relax and let go, and let Spirit guide my life and the Child's life, now and forever.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/20/98)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Parent and Child

I and my child are truly One in Spirit ...

For Parent and Child to know, feel and act on their inborn spiritual guidance and to realize the higher choices and experiences in their life now.

I breathe deeply ... I relax ... with my hand on my heart I close my eyes and feel the Presence of Spirit all around me and through me ... I relax and allow time to melt away ... I breathe ... In this moment I feel my connection to Spirit ... I am one with all creation ... I am one with all time from beginning to end ... I breathe deeply and consciously ... I feel the life within me ... I know this life is the same life that is with my parents ... with my children ... with my siblings ... with my neighbors ... for in this moment I realize the Oneness that is always present and is always true. Wow ...

In this heightened state of consciousness I recognize my unification with all that exists including the Intelligence that is the source of the universe.

In this heightened state of consciousness I choose my thoughts and words carefully and purposefully for I know they are creating my future and the future of my loved ones.

I and my child are truly One in Spirit ... and yet we are each our own individual selves. I speak these words from that place where our essence meets in the one Spirit, in the one Intelligence that guides and governs everyone and anyone when we allow it. I open my innermost self to listen to and receive this guidance right now! I know that as I release and let go of my judgmental and shallow perspective that I see a greater and larger perspective of only goodness unfolding before me; I sense the beauty of this moment and patiently I let this moment grow until all is Peace, Understanding, Compassion, Acceptance, Joy ... a whole rainbow including all the qualities of Spirit.

I know my child is guided and protected ... I know I am guided and protected ... I know everyone we come into contact with is guided and protected by this one power that is everywhere equally present in the Universe. I am open now for a great leap forward in understanding and action. I choose to move with the flow of Spirit and grow toward my higher realization of purpose and meaning for my life now. I unconditionally accept and love my child now. Yes!

I am grateful for the words, feelings and actions welling up within me right now. I accept them as true. I am thankful to know, deep inside, that all is well. I am thankful for the action of Spirit in my life then, now and always. I release these words into the law of creation knowing they are true even as they are spoken. And so it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 9/15/97)

Law of Attraction -- Thanksgiving

I see peace, joy, life and light everywhere I look ...

To give thanks for the gifts of the Creator and the Fellowship of Life.

Sitting in the sun this morning I reflect on all that is going on in the world. I breathe it in ... and I breathe it out ... I find I have to just let it all go ... and turn my thoughts to my self in this moment ...

I hear the crows cawing to each other outside the window as they enjoy the abundance of nature this Thanksgiving Day. I feel a oneness with that enjoyment as I sit here fully immersed in the beauty of Life.

I relax into this feeling of beauty and affirm there is one life, one intelligence, one power behind all that exists. I know it is in the crows and it is in me now and always. I feel the strength and assurance this brings me as I sit here in the sun. I can never be separate from the power creating this world, this universe. And knowing this is true for me right here and right now, I also know that the same is true for all people everywhere. At this level there is no separation of one from another; we are one people, one world, one life, one beautiful outpouring of the creative spirit.

It is with this feeling in my body and mind that I affirm a constant evolutionary spiral toward a greater acceptance of this truth throughout the world. I affirm the goodness that lives in the heart of each and every one of us. And I call upon this goodness to manifest itself more and more insistently as we sort out the dysfunctions of the human condition. The solution lies in the ability of each individual to express their true feelings, their true inspirations, their true love for life in all its forms. I see a vast unfolding of people to people contact and expression reaching across false boundaries to touch the one life in each and everyone. I see peace, joy, light and life everywhere I look as a reflection of what I find in me.

There is so much to be grateful for this day and every day, I just relax into an attitude of gratitude for the goodness of life, the inherent goodness of humankind, and the wonderful gifts of the creator of all we have, all we see, all we are. I accept these gifts and pledge to use them wisely as my life unfolds.

I do unto others as I would have them do unto me in all my affairs. And so it is. And so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 11/28/02)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Law of Attraction -- I Take Charge of My Life

I am a dynamic center in a whole universe ...

For You to relax, breathe deeply, and stay centered in the inner realm of wholeness.

Looking out the window on this mellow fall day I breathe deeply and relax ... I take in the natural beauty I see around me ... and as I exhale I release my own beauty into the world around me ... I radiate my special contribution into space and time ... Yes, I am one with nature and the power and intelligence creating all there is ...

I relax into the presence within me and around me and know I am not alone. I relax into the perfection of this moment and the allness of the Creator.

There is one power, one presence everywhere equally present. This power is within me always, as it is always within everyone and everything. In this sacred time and space I have set aside to pray, I know I am one with the wholeness of creation; I know I am one with the activity of creation; therefore the words I speak now have creative, causative effect in me and in the world!

I am a dynamic center in a whole universe. I take charge of my life in concert with the creator. I accept full responsibility for who I am in the world. I choose to express myself fully and lovingly on my chosen path. I am constantly increasing my capacity to learn and grow. I take time each morning and evening to center myself in the inner realm of wholeness. I listen to the urging of Spirit within me to live life fully.

I know I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I accept the good that comes from every situation in life, even when the experience is painful. I know I am building my life to be more in alignment with who I really am. I know I am not alone; Spirit and my Friends are always with me in consciousness. I move forward with an attitude of expectancy, expecting more good to be revealed to me with each step. I am centered in the inner realm of wholeness.

I am filled with gratitude as I listen to these words with my heart. I relax into this sacred moment and count my blessings. I accept life exactly as it is and bless the gifts I have to contribute to the world.

I release my words to the creative process knowing they are true and manifest even as they are spoken. So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/11/99)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Being With Your Parents

Thank you Spirit for peace and beauty in my life ...

For You to be with your parents in the highest consciousness and to accept them with unconditional love and relax and enjoy this time together.

I sit in the morning light allowing my mind to move with the music on the stereo ... I breathe deeply and relax ... I feel my body respond to the environment ... the coolness of my fingers ... the scratch in my throat ... the solidness of the chair and floor beneath me ... the clarity of the air outside the window ... the gentle movement of the breeze through the trees and bushes ...

There is one power, one intelligence, one ever present Spirit everywhere equally present in the universe and I am a center of creativity within this whole ... what is true for me is true for you, because we are one in the wholeness ... In this Consciousness of unity I speak my word calling forth that highest expression of good that lies waiting within me and within all that exists ...

I know with You that your Parents share equally in this moment all the intelligence, all the power, that Spirit is and right now I name that Love. There is one Love present here now, and I accept this truth and the healing and health that it brings to every situation ... I choose to relax and enter this divine presence of Love without attachment to anything except the beauty and joy of this eternal moment of happiness that I know, being one with my Parents in Spirit.

I know that all the health care workers and other family members are one with Spirit and that Love guides all the healing processes that are bringing about positive change right now. I know that what is for my Parent's highest good occurs naturally and easily, and I let it be so; even as I accept this truth for myself.

I am very grateful, oh so grateful, for the power I feel moving through me, through my Parents, through my Family and all the world bringing all into divine right order, now! Thank you Spirit for empowering me to accept and Love unconditionally and for the peace and beauty this brings into my life.

I release this word into the divine flow of creation, knowing it is true now and forevermore.

Blessed are we!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 3/25/98)

Law of Attraction -- Health, Happiness and Financial Abundance for My Family

Thank you Spirit for your divine presence ...

For You to have peace of mind and know Spirit is with you and your family now and always helping, guiding, protecting, nurturing, healing ...

Releasing all preconceptions, ideas and thoughts, I relax into this present moment ... I take this time to relax, breathing deeply and regularly into this present moment ... I open my mind, my heart, my body to the presence of spirit in this present moment ... I release my self into this presence and sit, silently emptying my self of worries and concerns, releasing them into this presence so I am totally present in this moment ...

Spirit is all there is in Truth ... I am Spirit, You are Spirit, all around me is Spirit; flowing forward from one source, one beginning, all are united in this Truth ... In this present moment I accept this truth 100% and relax into It ...

Being one with the creator, the creating and the created I sit solid on the earth, freely breathing the air that animates my body ... I sit here with my unique view of creation ... I marvel at all that is going on in me as I sit still for this moment ... and as I look out and see the new green grass and the last of the fruit on the trees and feel my connection with nature I truly know there is a power in this universe greater than I am that is equally present in all existence ... I see it outside of me and feel it inside me, all in this present moment ...

I open my mouth and speak that which I desire to experience in this present moment knowing my words and thoughts are always creative, but most especially when I take this time to relax and feel my oneness with Spirit and to begin again with a fresh point of view ...

I accept health, happiness and financial abundance for my family. All obstacles are met and moved through easily and naturally.

I accept healing for my mother and father as they feel Spirit move them to accept their highest good.

I accept healing for the children. Evolution takes them forward in life to heal and be healed as their special gifts manifest, blessing them and all around them.

I release all unnecessary filters and blocks that prevent my right mate from being naturally drawn to me and accepted by me.

I know I am a divine expression of Spirit and that I express love of life in all I say and do. I accept the presence of Spirit in me and in my family now and always. I am grateful for the power, strength and wisdom I accept in my life now, all in this present moment. Thank you Spirit for your divine presence always helping, guiding, protecting, nurturing, healing.

I release these words into the flow of evolution knowing they are creative and manifest results now. So I let it be and so it is.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 2/21/99)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Marriage and Family

I enjoy and give thanks for this miracle ...

For Women waiting for marriage and family to relax into the power of creation within themselves and listen to the rhythm of life as it is expressed in them right now and by so doing to become one with their evolutionary path as each looks for what is next in life for them as individuals and in a family.

Peacefully sitting here I breathe deep ... close my eyes ... exhale long and slow ... and sit. I just sit here with my attention on my breathing ... slow and gentle ... excited and rapid ... natural rhythm ... I feel my heart ... I hear my heart ... I feel the relationship between breath, heart, choice, feeling, hearing, thinking ... I melt into the moment ... I am one with the passing of time ... I am one with the movement of life ... I am one with the ever present creative power of life that is constantly unfolding and becoming more because I am alive!

There is one power, one presence, one creator everywhere equally present. It is in me, around me, expressing as me right now. It can be no other way.

I accept this fact and hold it tight as I think upon that which my life ideally is. I accept my life as a gift of the creator. I accept my role in the unfolding drama of the larger life of which I am a part. I accept the power I have within me to create that which furthers me most perfectly on the path of life.

I relax into the arms of a man, my special man, and am well pleased at the feelings of love, health and power that stir within me. In this moment I affirm that I am whole, complete and perfect and that life is full with the miracle of the creator.

I see myself with children around me. I love these children; they love me. I relax into this feeling and am pleased at the special and unique relationship I have with each and every young one. My sisters are with me and we are one in our joy with the children. I am so happy ... my best dreams have all come true.

I enjoy and give thanks for this miracle I am one with. I give thanks for my family and the power of the creator as it expresses through us. I am grateful to know that I am never alone and that every travail that happens to me along the path of life is temporary and has a lesson within it to teach me more about being happy, truly happy.

I accept good humor and positive thinking as tools to help me live a happy and fulfilled life. Thank you creative power in me for this wonderful opportunity I call life. I will never forsake you, I will never forget you, as I release these words into your rhythm of life evolving.

So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/12/00)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Healing the Patient

I affirm the divine perfection of (the patient).

For peace of mind for You and family as we know together that Spirit expresses perfectly through (the Patient) as divine right healing.

Relax into the peacefulness of this day ... breathing easily and naturally ... relax into the peace always present in the center of being ... relax into that peaceful point around which all life revolves ... relax into the center of being ... relax into the heart space around which Life revolves ... relax into the center where we all touch each other and eternity ...

Now, fully immersed in the beingness of this moment, I open myself to the guidance of the intelligence creating all there is ... I relax into the Spirit of this moment, into the perfection of this moment, into the fullness of this moment, into the completeness of this moment ...

Here I affirm the divine perfection of (the Patient) and know that they are one with this creative intelligence I am immersed in ... that we are immersed in ... I know all their health care providers are filled with and guided by this intelligence, this Spirit that is always present in life ... I know and hereby affirm the happiness that is always present in life for myself, for (the Patient), for the family ... I relax into the sureness of life unfolding in divine perfection ... I see (the Patient) enveloped in this divinity and I see them growing into their full potential, naturally, easily.

I feel and express great gratitude for the power of Spirit, for the power of Intelligence flowing through me now, flowing through (the Patient) now, flowing through the family now ...

I accept this as true and actual and in faith believing I release these words into Universal Law knowing they are true even as they are spoken. And so I let them be and so they are now and forevermore.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 10/12/97)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Alzheimers

I am immersed in God, I am one with God ...

For happiness and well-being for your loved one in early stages of Alzheimers.

As I sit down to write this it is late in the evening, almost time to go to bed. So, I just yawn and relax with a sigh ... and watch my breath for a few minutes as I let go of the busyness in my mind ...

Slowly I feel the presence of the One Creator of all that exists right here where I sit. I feel this presence in the beat of my heart ... I feel this presence in the movement of my thoughts as I listen deep within for guidance in this prayer. I feel this presence in each breath as I consciously breathe in Love and breathe out Love. Immersed in Love, I know in this moment Love is all there is and God is Love, so in truth there is only God. I am immersed in God and I am one with God. I feel it, I see it, I smell it, I hear it in these very words.

Now I choose to claim my happiness and well-being for right here and right now and for all time. I feel my oneness with the power, peace and wisdom of God, and I choose to use these qualities in my life now. I choose to remember myself as I truly am: whole, complete and perfect with all the qualities of God within me. I choose to partner with God in remembering myself as a happy cocreator of my life with God as my guide. I choose to see God in all those around me and to know that I am safe with God.

As I claim my well-being I know and affirm that I draw to me the perfect right people to be with me as I move forward in my life. I see God in each and everyone and am compassionate and understanding of them as they are with me. I relax and let God take care of the details. I relax and let my daily prayers comfort and empower me. I relax and enjoy myself now and always.

Grateful for the inspiration that flows through me today, I relax and accept it with humility and grace. Thank you God for being with me in time of need and in time of celebration. I always remember you, I always love you, I always see you in all I see.

So, God, I release these words into your law knowing full well in faith believing that these words are true and manifest now. And so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 10/20/02)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Law of Circulation

I choose to move as one with Spirit's song ...

For You to know that perfect expression of God through you, as you, is the Truth and that you are totally supported by the Law of Circulation ...

Deep within I go, easily and naturally, as my eyes close and the rhythm of breathing fills my awareness. I pause and enjoy this feeling of peace I experience in this moment as all external stimulation fades into the background and the vast ocean within opens before me. Myriad thoughts rise and pass away as I let go and ride the rhythm of breathing into the sea of awareness ...

All there is is God. Beauty, peace, joy, light, love surround me, envelop me, nurture me. I feel the power of the One presence around me, in me, through me expressing as my Life! In this silent, peaceful moment I let all this go and experience total Oneness with all that is. It can be no other way. Unity is the Truth. Yes!

As this is true for me now I know this truth for everyone and everything for there is no separation -- we are One! It is this Oneness that buoys my faith and strengthens me as I move forward through life, confident, strong, filled with Spirit. Everywhere I look I see the face of God and know this is but a reflection of me. Wow!

I move gracefully, passionately, gently, reverently, enthusiastically through Life! Attracting to me just the right people to support me spiritually and materially through my work. My eyes are open, my heart is open, my arms are open and I receive abundantly and give generously, participating fully in the Law of Circulation.

Thank you Spirit for opening me fully to your presence in my life. I accept my freedom now to choose; I choose to express my gift and receive my good, naturally, fully, easily; I choose to move as one with Spirit's song and enter fully into the harmony of Life unfolding as the highest good for everyone.

Gratefully I release these words to the Law, feeling great satisfaction with Life as it unfolds in all its beauty and magnificence around me, through me, as me. And so I let it be, and so it is!


(Originally published on SharePrayer 10/9/97)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Good Side of Negativity

Naturally, each negative emotion shows me its good side ...

For overcoming negative emotions and living in truth and integrity.

Agitated, I sit here to relax. I let my thoughts reflect on the harmony of nature. I breathe in and let it go ... again ... and again ... with each breath I accept peace and let go of chaos ... I accept harmony and let go of discord ... I accept love and let go of anger ...

As this continues in the background, I turn my words to speak of the source of all that I experience, the source of all that exists: God, Allah, Jehovah, the Thing Itself, The Great Spirit, that Intelligence that enables the grass seed to grow grass and the cherry stone to make cherries.

I know I come from this source and that the power of creation is active in me now. I breathe again and let that thought go ... The creative power is active in me right now ... I feel this power active in me right now, I see it all around me; I use this power to create my life the way I choose. I breathe again and let that thought go ... I choose to let the past go and embrace this moment. I choose to move into the future knowing my good is with me. I accept the abundance of life; I accept the self-givingness of spirit; I accept the law of circulation; I accept my role in life.

I listen to the inner voice, the feelings, the inspiration that comes to me from the oneness of life and follow it. I accept my alignment with my highest good and with the highest good of everyone. I choose to enjoy this moment and live totally in this moment. I love myself and all that is around me ... life is good! I speak my mind openly and honestly at all times. I approach each task and chore that is before me wholeheartedly and handle it quickly, effortlessly, naturally. I face my fears and move through them squarely and find they are illusions. Spontaneously and naturally each negative emotion shows me its good side as I relax and allow the spiritual power of oneness within me to turn anger to love, resentment to gratitude, fear to courage, confusion to clarity, despair to strength, frustration to decision, procrastination to action and denial to acceptance ...

I am so blessed in this present moment to hold creation in my mind where it touches universal mind. I know I live in a field of all possibilities and that I am in charge of choosing those possibilities I wish to follow. I am so grateful that I am able to release ignorance and accept the universal knowledge that is always with me. I accept this knowledge and follow its guidance to my highest good and the highest good of everyone. I choose to live in this moment always.

Easily and gently I release these words into the creative process knowing they are true and manifest even before they are spoken for we are one with the source now and always. So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/8/97)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Lost New Born

I dance with Spirit and Spirit dances with me ...

For a couple that has lost a new born to know the Oneness of Spirit so completely they find Peace with the Spark of Creation they held for a time and to know there are many more Sparks waiting for the perfect opportunity to create a home with them.

In peaceful contemplation I sit feeling the tears welling up inside me as I imagine holding a young child in my arms. The love I feel is so immense it transcends space and time and is total and complete and eternal. There is one life, one Divine Presence in and through all that exists. This presence is me now. This new life I hold in my imagination is this Presence. We are One now and forever; there can be no separation in this Oneness. This knowledge buoys my spirit when I open my eyes and there is no child here to hold in my arms.

The feeling of Oneness continues to be with me, buoying my spirit as I go through the day and intensifies when I take my beloved in my arms and hold and am held. In this time I feel the Oneness strongly and feel the presence of new life stirring in my thoughts and my beloved's thoughts. In this quiet, still, gentle embrace I am supported; with my eyes closed I feel One with the universal dance; now I know I am the Creator and the Created. In this archetypal, primordial dance there can be no wrong move -- it just is eternally graceful and complete through all its changes.

I peacefully accept this and go about my life feeling blessed for this realization of Life and wait patiently, though excited, for the next glimmer of new being to quicken in my life. I feel so blessed, I am so thankful for this wonderful life expressing as me, through me. I dance with Spirit and Spirit dances with me ...

I gently let these words float away knowing in Oneness that all is well. And so I let it be; and so it is!

Blessed are we!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 9/20/97)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Thank You Veterans

I appreciate and say thank you to our veterans ...

To express gratitude for the power of Spirit manifesting good in my life.

Here I sit with sunshine streaming through the window... and thoughts streaming through my mind ... war, civil liberties, family... I breathe deeply and let it go ... I breathe deeply and let the thoughts go ... I breathe deeply and accept the inspiration of Spirit into the stream of consciousness ... I breathe deeply and relax into the flow ... I breathe deeply again and again ...

Settling into this gentle rhythm ... I allow the words to come easily and naturally ...

There is one power, one presence, one creative force in this universe; I feel it in me now, I see it all around me now. The intelligence behind the breath, the force behind the sunlight, the source of consciousness is that which we call by many names: God, Great Spirit, the Thing Itself, Allah, Jehovah, Nature ...

take this time now to tune into this Intelligence as it manifests in me, as me now. I know I am one with this Source now and always, and that my life flows forward with It as my guide. I take this time to listen to Its special message for me, now. And as I transcribe this message, I know it is for each of us in the Oneness of life, of creation, of being that we share.

I accept this inspiration as Spirit's gift today. I accept the power it brings into my life to face the demons that arise to block my way. I accept the power of Love to move us through all obstacles to our birthright of peace, joy, beauty, power. I accept the natural abundance of Spirit into my life now and always, in all forms: material, spiritual, emotional.

I give thanks for the gift of human life. I give thanks for the gift of consciousness. I give thanks for the ability to be self conscious. I give thanks for the ability to cocreate my life with Spirit. I give thanks for the people and beings around me that are active in my life. I give thanks for my emotions and feelings that enrich my life. I give thanks for the beauty I find in myself and all around me. I give thanks for those that have gone before leaving their gifts of love for us. I give thanks for knowing the unstoppable power of love to heal all things and bring us into divine harmony when all is said and done.

Today I give special thanks to all those that serve and have served in the Armed Forces, putting themselves in harm's way, in faith believing, to preserve for us all that I am thankful for today.

As I release these words, these thoughts, these feelings into the creative process, into the flow of life, into the outpicturing from the source, I take special care to honor myself and my loved ones for perseverance in pursuing the goal of happiness, for in truth we are one and reach the goal together. And so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 11/22/01)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Sort Out Life

I know, and feel, and experience, the Divine order...

For You to let go and let Spirit be your guide as you sort out your life and accept Divine right order into everyday living easily and naturally.

One ever-present Spirit flows easily and gently throughout all creation. I am one with this Spirit as I easily and gently collect my thoughts and relax into this moment ... I clear my mind and speak these words:

I know there is One Life, One Spirit and One Intelligence that is equally present in all the universe. Resting securely in this knowing, in this feeling, in this truth, I am one with It; I am a unique expression of this power that is equally present everywhere; and, as a unique expression of this One presence, I have all the qualities of Life, Spirit and Intelligence right here, right now. My expression flows as one with the whole even while it is one of a kind. I enjoy this understanding and relax into it with a feeling of unlimited possibility.

In this relaxed, creative, unlimited state of mind I speak my word knowing these words initiate change in my environment. I know and feel and experience the divine order of the Universe unfolding one step at a time as does my life, as does each life.

I affirm that in this unfoldment each step grows out of the preceding one with Spirit as guide. Now, trusting fully and completely this reality, I appreciate each miracle, each challenge, each revelation, each solution for just what it is: another step along the way. I open my mind, heart and body to accept the inspiration of Spirit with each breath I take, with each thought I make, with each word I state, as I consciously enter fully and completely into the process of life.

With my awareness fully engaged in this spiritual unfoldment I find myself one with the abundance of the universe ... by freely and easily giving the special gifts my unique expression brings to the world, I am gifted in return. I know this is true for me and I know this is true for each and everyone ... this is good, very good.

With deep humility and appreciation I gratefully accept this Truth right here and right now. I know Spirit works through natural law to create our good even before we ask and as I release these words to the law of creation, I know this Truth is present even now in the wondrous life of each one.

Now I simply let it be so ... and so it is.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 6/28/97)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Support through Changes

Yes, I am perfect, whole and complete!

To know and feel the power of Spirit within and to accept Spirit's guidance and support through all the changes in life.

Preparing to enter the mystery, I relax, breathe deeply and settle into my chair. I close my eyes for this moment and let go of all worldly concerns ... I consciously open my mind to receive the inspiration of Spirit ... I breathe regularly and gently allowing my consciousness to sink deeper and deeper into awareness of Spirit ... Yes, at the core of my being I merge with the creator of the Universe ... at the center we are all one! Sitting here now I let go of all fears and concerns ... I contemplate the flow of creation free and unencumbered ...

Wow! I exist in a constant flow of creation ... of Spirit expressing ... being in the middle of this stream of Life, I sense the perfection of existence ... we are each an equal part of this universal flow. There is no separation in substance only in perception ... and in this moment I perceive total unity. I am one with the creator and one with the created ... there is no separation in Truth!

In this holy moment I clearly see, feel and know I am truly happy in my heart of hearts. I relax and enjoy this realization -- Life is Good! I release all judgments and concerns to Spirit and let them flow away in the stream of Light as I fully enjoy being in the middle of the stream of Life. In this meditative moment all is perfect, I am whole and life is complete. I count my blessings and accept the power of creation acting through me, as me, right now in this quiet moment. Yes, the universe is perfect, whole and complete and I am perfect, whole and complete!

I accept this Truth unequivocally as I feel gratitude welling up in my heart. I carry this moment with me always as I pause, relax and remember: Yes, I am perfect, whole and complete! Thank you Spirit for revealing Truth to me ... I never forget, I always remember, I am One with you and you with me. My gratefulness propels me forward into the full flow of Life.

And now, fully energized and enthusiastic, I release these words to the flow of Life where I know they are already manifest and just let them be. As I have spoken, so it is now and forevermore.

Blessed are we!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/1/07)

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Peace, Clarity, Abundance

I approach life with focused intention ...

For Peace, Clarity and Abundance.

Yes, I feel the breeze blowing freely through the window ... I stop ... I relax ... I breathe deeply ... the fresh air flows in ... then I let it go ... I do this again and again until I feel calm and peaceful ...

I close my eyes and take my attention from the outer world and turn it to the inner world ... I notice the busyness of my mind and body ... but choose to look toward that calm peaceful place in the center of my being ... Breathing easily and regularly, I let go of all else, accepting only peaceful thoughts in this moment ...

Here I feel the presence of choice -- that original choice that brings creation from nothing ... I breathe deeply and let it go ... I know and affirm the presence of the creative power of the universe right where I sit. This power is everywhere equally present. I sense it, I feel it, I think it, I know it, I accept it and I let it be so.

I open my heart and mind to clearly see how this creative power is best directed through me. I relax and let go into this moment and willingly accept guidance through this connection with the universal intelligence. I decide to be who and what I really am; to follow the guidance I find in my heart fully and openly. I approach life with focused intention to find and manifest the best in me and through me. I take time each day to sit quietly and listen; I write down what it is I feel, see and hear during this time; I share my innermost feelings with those closest to me; I live my life my way, with passion ... with sincerity ... with integrity ...

I give freely of my time and talents in the areas I am guided to and I act consistently and thoroughly on the ideas that come to me when I am still and quiet. I love what I am doing in the world and I open myself to receive love in return. I enter into the circulation of abundance that is always present in the world. I enjoy giving and receiving inspiration, money, energy, love, joy, happiness and all of spirit's qualities. I experience the natural abundance of life fully, easily, naturally ...

I am so thankful for the creative spirit flowing through me and for the clarity of my vision in this moment. I know this spirit is always with me and that it is my choice how aware of it I am at any given time. I am grateful for this experience and the knowledge that I can return here any time and be one with the spirit of life as it is manifesting in and through me. Thank you life for this moment of illumination. I hold this memory always present.

I release these words to the flow of life now, knowing they are true even before they are spoken and they are true for ever more. I accept this truth, I bless this truth. So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/19/97)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Accept Yourself

I let go and let Spirit be my guide ...

For You to accept yourself as you are and as you are becoming by using your connection with Spirit to guide you in being who you truly are beyond any and all appearances of being too heavy to the contrary.

I sit and remember what I look like in a mirror after my bath ... I look at every part of my body and love it just as it is now ... and then I shift my consciousness, shift my perspective, and watch as my body slowly takes on the appearance I would prefer to see when I look in the mirror ... yes, this is the truth I sit down to cocreate with Spirit right now ... Yes, this is the truth of who I am beyond any and all appearances ...

I know there is one power, one presence, one Spirit equally present within all existence. I feel this presence within me now and I see it in all around me ... In truth I can not be separate from It or can anything or anyone in the universe. As I relax into this realization, into this moment, I choose to focus on my relationship with Spirit and the inherent ability to cocreate life experience this relationship implies.

Relaxing into the presence of Spirit I let go of judgements and preconceived ideas ... I let go of any and all thoughts that come to me ... I allow my awareness to go down from my head to my heart ... I allow my knowing to give way to my feeling ... I just sit and feel the truth of my connection with Spirit ... I let go and let Spirit be my guide ...

In this feeling state I see myself as I am today ... slowly I see this self image change in the direction I choose it to go ... I just watch ... I have nothing to do but watch ... I allow this to happen naturally and easily ... no thoughts intrude ... natural and easy and gently the transformation happens ...

I allow the vision to remain in the background as I affirm my positive connection with Spirit and the power and guidance that brings to me. I feel this power and strength when I plan, prepare and enjoy my meals ... I let go and let Spirit be my guide. I feel this power and strength when I plan and pursue my activities ... I let go and let Spirit be my guide. I feel this power and strength when I sit and meditate and do my prayer work ... I let go and let Spirit be my guide.

Thank you Spirit for your constant presence and guidance. I am very grateful for the partnership we have formed here and accept your guidance as I move down the path of life into a fuller appreciation of myself.

Feeling the truth of these words in my life now, I release them into the flow and accept their benefits now.

And so it is. Amen

(Originally published on SharePrayer 3/29/00)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Job Confidence

I move forward confident and clear of who I am ...

For You to relax into knowing the truth of who you are and allowing the strength of Spirit to flow from that knowing, from that truth, strong and true, guiding you to the right place for your contribution, growth, recognition and compensation.

I sit in my room looking out the window. I see the chard green and growing, the birds busy at their tasks, and the grass peacefully sprouting as a green carpet under a blue sky. Life is good, life is peaceful, life is comfortable. But even as these words come to mind I wonder what more there may be if I get out of my comfort zone ...

I breathe deeply and let it go ... I allow thoughts to fill my mind and let them go ... I sit back and breathe again ... and again ... and again ... I allow this gentle rhythm to take me deeper into myself ... deeper into the mystery of life, my life ... I feel my center ... I feel my connection with the center of the universe ...

I know there is one universe, one life, one spirit, one god, one ever-present, ever-ready, ever-conscious intelligence filling all the universe with itself. I know I am one with this intelligence now and always. I know I am an individual manifestation of this intelligence able to reflect upon this truth right now. I am grateful for this connection and the clarity with which I see it now. I let that be and now speak my word claiming that which I know to be true in my life now.

I am a wonderful, valuable human being having a marvelous spiritual experience. I know that as I stay connected to my intuition I am guided and moved to experience my highest and greatest good. So, I relax into this knowledge and allow it to permeate my whole being now. Whenever I feel the need to be strengthened in my resolve to move forward in my life I stop, breathe deeply and remember this moment ... and my full knowledge and connection to the strength of Spirit within me returns to my consciousness and I move forward confident and clear of who I am, what I am doing and where I am going.

Thank you Spirit within. I know you are with me now and always. With great gratitude and thanksgiving I release this prayer treatment into your loving presence knowing full well that it is true now and always.

So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 3/27/00)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Release Resentments

I move forward fearlessly riding the wave of my experience ...

For releasing resentments and "stories" so I can move on in the present unencumbered by the past.

Present in this very moment I relax and release all tension in my body ... I breathe deeply and let it go ... I feel the floor push against my feet ... I feel the chair push against my body ... I feel the air push against my lungs ... I feel my muscles expand and contract ... I relax into the constant support behind, below, before all the activity of life ... I relax into the very presence of creation ...

Gently breathing I let go of all else but the basics of life ... I retreat to the beginning ... to the source ... I go naturally, easily, gently ... I let go of all thoughts except of that spark at the beginning of time ... I focus my attention on that tiny glow deep in the center of my being ... I let go of the notion of time and just sit ... here in the beginning ... just the spark ... only the glow ... peace ...

I feel my heart beat, pulsating with life, pushing blood through my body, supporting the life in my body with nutrients, supporting the systems in my body, removing waste ... I feel the transfer of oxygen into the flow of blood, I feel the busyness of life in my body, I feel the million, the billion different things going on in this moment right here where I am ... I relax into this miracle, I relax into the rhythm of life ...

I accept the miracle of creation I am, right here in this moment; I sense the drama unfolding right in my very own body; I relax and accept the changes that are happening to me physiologically right now, I know cells are dying and being carried off, I know new cells are growing and taking their place, I know there are myriad independent forms of life having their own experience as guests hosted by my body; I accept them all as part and parcel of life ...

I am grateful for the singular Intelligence that is everywhere present in this tableau I call my body; I realize Its presence down to the smallest detail and even before that spark and glow that is the beginning of all that exists ... I feel, see, know, so clearly that I am It ... I am unfolding, evolving, growing, living ... I am elated and joyful ...

I am a model of the universe containing within this body an infinite number of parts and infinite space ... I am one with the intelligence, power and presence creating and holding it all together ... Taken back to the beginning, stripping life down to its bare essentials, I see how marvelous and complete it is in this moment and in every moment ... I release any and all judgments, resentments, ideas, stories that limit my full participation in this evolving world that is my life. I realize and accept that there is nothing in truth to stop me from being me -- fully, completely and totally! I accept every situation, incident, occurrence in my life as a lesson and I learn from that lesson and move on to the next one knowing that I am always evolving, growing and learning more, learning exactly what it is that I contribute to the larger wholeness I am immersed in.

I am excited by this revelation, realization and my acceptance of the truth of my being. I move forward unencumbered by resentment or judgment knowing all is unfolding perfectly for my highest good and the highest good of all. I move forward fearlessly riding the wave of my experience; knowing I am always supported by Intelligence, I conscientiously do my part and am happy.

Grateful for the power and clarity of this moment, I say "Thank you Life!" as I release these words into the oneness. As It is spoken, so I let it be now and forevermore.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 9/26/97)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Right Work = Abundance

I stop, and silently affirm the truth of Spirit's inspiration ...

For You to know the value and truth of the gift you are to the world so strongly and express it so well that the perfect opportunity presents itself for you to share your natural talent and ability as your work and thereby manifest financial abundance.

I look out the window at the morning mist ... I breathe deeply and let it go with a sigh ... Life is so simple and peaceful in the early morning ... the calm before the storm ... the quiet time that sets the tone for the day ... I open my heart and feel the many blessings I experience right here, right now ...

As I sit quietly, breathing deeply and regularly, my thoughts go within to that place of solitude where inspiration comes most easily ... I breathe deeply and go further into my mind to where I merge with All and am immersed in Oneness ...

I rest in this place of Oneness with all creation ... My thoughts flow freely and easily ... I am Harmony, Creation, Spirit! ... There truly is nothing else but this wonderful outpouring of Love manifesting in so many forms ... In this moment I realize I am one of these forms, an expression of Spirit manifested as a part of the Oneness and can never be apart from it ...

I rest easily and confident in this recognition and understand that, as a vital part of the Oneness from which everything comes, I am cocreating my life and all else that exists.

In this moment I realize the power of these words ... these words that flow through me to create new forms in this Universe. In this moment, that is eternal, I claim for myself the realization and manifestation of my special gifts, born in me, to share with the world as my work. I know this work is divinely inspired and is truly a gift and a blessing to all it touches and that I am irresistibly drawn to just the right circumstances to express it. This place is receptive and nurturing and allows me the freedom of expression I seek and compensates me abundantly in money and appreciation for my work.

Spirit's expression as me, through me, is wonderful and powerful and cannot be denied. Any blockages to this flow are released to nothingness when I stop, and silently affirm the truth of Spirit's inspiration and guidance, then move confidently forward knowing the power of this contribution to the world makes its own way, through me, easily, naturally, gently, insistently ...

I am so thankful for the power of these words to manifest right action and goodness in the world and in my life I say "Hallelujah" and move on filled with an attitude of gratitude for the magnificence of life. I gratefully accept myself and my place in the world.

Now, I Joyfully release these thoughts to the One Mind, the One Creator knowing they are true and done even before they are spoken. And so I let it be and so it is!

Blessed Be!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 6/26/97)

Law of Attraction -- End of Summer

I listen ... the answers are right here in the flow ...

For You to know that peaceful place at the center of your being so completely that you confidently move forward in life clearly guided by your highest good.

I rejoice that our yearly cycle is beginning again with all the unfulfilled possibilities reborn anew. I celebrate the memories both wonderful and sad. I inhale and exhale deeply again and again ... I feel life running through me and rejoice!

I feel the intelligence that creates me and all that is around me flowing through me and flowing through you right in this very moment. I feel connected to all there is and know this intelligence is you, is me, is all there is in the universe.

I allow this feeling and knowing to deepen ... and deepen some more. I open my inner being ... I allow the peace that is always within to spread through my body and overflow into all that is around me ... the supply is as inexhaustible as the universe.

I listen ... the answers are right here in the flow of peaceful inspiration; I soak them up, I soak them in, I let them wash away doubt and fear, I let them wash away indecisiveness, I let them fill me with compassion and wisdom, I let them fill me with commitment to be myself in truth. I relax and accept my place in the flow of creation. I move forward peacefully, one step at a time.

I breathe deeply and allow truth to fill me to overflowing; there is no need to grasp or grab, the supply is inexhaustible; it is always here as I relax and allow it to come forth from the center of my being.

Thank you creation for this truth, thank you intelligence for this flow, thank you self for this life. I just let it be, totally and completely. I just let it be, now.

As it is written, spoken and lived, so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/24/97)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Harmlessness

Spirit, I accept your guidance now...

For You to become the compassionate outpicturing of Spirit you truly are, and to move on down the path of life with a harmless respect for life in all its forms because of the deep, abiding realization that we are all one and what hurts one hurts us all.

As I sit here contemplating my desires and ideas I pause and let all those thoughts go with a big sigh ... I breathe in and hold it a second and let it go ... I do this several times ... watching each breath and putting my full attention on it ... letting go of all else ... in this way I bring myself into alignment with the creative energy of the universe ... I relax my hold on my unique, individual personality and enter the flow of intelligence that is constantly building, constantly evolving the universe into a more perfect and realized whole ...

Here I realize there is one power, one life, one love everywhere equally present in the universe ... Here I see myself as a vital part of the energy building this universe ... Here I feel my power and presence contributing to the wholeness of the universe ... And as I know this is true for me I know it is true for all creation for there is one life, one love, one creative Spirit ...

In this divine state of mind, I consciously choose to speak my word claiming for myself divine right action in all my affairs. I humbly release those ideas and thoughts that would lead me to harming another being into the void -- into that nothingness which surrounds everythingness -- and it is gone now and forever.

I now turn my attention and thoughts to everythingness and am pleased to find my self surrounded by and immersed in peace, beauty, joy, light, love, power and life. There is one life and this life is my life now. I am one with the Spirit of life, the creator of life, and I know it. I relax into the center of my being and find I am filled with Spirit's presence. Yes, this is the experience I choose to hold here in my heart, in the center of my being. Yes, I own the goodness I hold in my heart; Yes, I am one with the goodness in the heart of the universe and I hold it here in my heart. I recognize this goodness is the truth of all creation and I accept this as true.

I choose now to direct my life into learning more about how I am to share my unique gifts with the whole; how I best contribute to the perfect unfolding, growing, evolving universe. And in so doing accept ungoing abundant support as an active participant in the circulation of good that is the truth of life.

I am truly grateful for these words that flow easily and naturally from me, from my heart. I embrace them now and thank Spirit for giving them to me in my time of need. Spirit, I accept your guidance now!

Filled with fresh thoughts about the peaceful, joyful, expression of life I am in truth, I release these words to the creative flow of Spirit knowing they are true now and forever more.

And so it is!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 11/23/97)