Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Use Prosperity Laws Easily

Spirit is present within me at all times ...

For You to focus on the things that are really important and to know and use the laws of prosperity easily and naturally.

Silently I sit and listen ... Silently I sit and let go of the external world and listen and look within ... Within my very own body, within my very own mind, I sit and look and listen ... I let go of all thoughts and wonderings ... I let go of all memories and wanderings ... Silently I sit and listen ... I listen for that which comes unbidden ... I listen for that which comes fresh and new ... I listen for the voice of Spirit that is equally present everywhere in existence ... Silently I sit and watch ... I watch for the light from the source that brings the truth to all alike ... Silently I sit, and watch, and listen ...

I release and I let go ... I let the Spirit flow ... I am moved to be present here, now ... I stand in the light of Spirit ... I stand in the knowledge of Spirit ... I open my ears and I hear Spirit's voice informing me of my uniqueness and importance to the whole of existence ... I relax further into the vision, into this moment of truth and my true gifts are revealed to me and I naturally move to accept them and easily act on them, bringing them into focus in my everyday life ... I relax and concentrate on being truly me!

Each day I take time to sit and return to this inner sanctum of peace, presence and illumination ... I look and listen with an open mind, free of judgment or preconceived ideas ... I sit and let Spirit fill me with light and follow the truth revealed ... I sit and am informed of the principles of bringing good into my life and the lives of those around me ... I sit and accept my oneness with the abundance of life and welcome it into my life now ...

Thank you Spirit for calling me, for guiding me into your presence here within my very being ... I honor your presence and your gifts to me with great gratitude. I accept the truth of the interconnectedness of all existence and the importance of each part, including me, and am now able to perform my role fully. I accept the flow of natural abundance into my life and the life of my family now; I know I am fully supported and nurtured. Thank you.

Easily and naturally I return to the outer world, knowing beyond all doubt that Spirit is present within me at all times guiding, supporting, nurturing me. And so I release this time, these words, into the presence knowing they are true now and forevermore.

Blessed are We!

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/28/97)

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Move Beyond Disease

Love is constant, Spirit is constant, I am constant ...

For patient and family to move beyond disease (the condition) to health (the truth).

Relax with a deep breath ... as you continue breathing, focus your awareness on your breath ... let go of all extraneous thoughts and focus on your breath ... with each breath affirm, "I am one with the infinite Spirit of Life" ...

Yes, I am one with the creator of life, that omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Spirit present right here as me and as you and as all we see, feel and know. Spirit is present in every cell of my body; there is no spot that Spirit is not wholly, completely and perfectly present; this is the truth. Spirit is present in these words, in the patient and in their family. Spirit brings recovery, balance, order, harmony and health to our lives naturally, easily, inexorably ...

The patient is an unique expression of Spirit and is One with Spirit. Disease is an apparent condition that has no connection to the truth of being; disease rallies the forces of compassion, care and kindness to replace it with love, health and truth. Love is constant, Spirit is constant, Life is constantly evolving and unfolding in new ways bringing each of us to a greater realization of who and what we are. This appearance of disease in the patient now brings with it opportunities to learn and grow. I accept this truth for the patient and family now in oneness with Spirit and allow fear, doubt and worry to be transformed to love, peace and wisdom in my consciousness ... in the one consciousness we all share ... in the consciousness of the patient and family. As I fill myself with the presence of Spirit I place my awareness with the patient and see him/her filled with the light of Spirit and know unequivocally that the healing I claim now is the truth!

This vital presence of Spirit energizes the patient and each member of their family so they all know and accept the healing that is right for them in this situation. This knowing and acceptance flows spontaneously from the heart of each person involved and touches each person involved -- We are One!

Thank you Spirit for watching with us, walking with us, being with us always; and thank you for the omnipresent Love to which I now release these words; fully knowing they are true even before being spoken, I just let them be. And so it is now and always ...


(Originally published on SharePrayer 7/6/96)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Peace While Facing Imprisonment

I am filled with Spirit now and always ...

For You to relax into the loving embrace of Spirit and go within and find peace and reconciliation with Life even while facing imprisonment.

I sit and breathe. I sit and breathe and listen within. I sit and breathe and listen within and release my thoughts. I sit.

There is One Spirit of creation moving in and through all that exists from the beginning of time and space. One omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Spirit as the creative intelligence behind, within, throughout existence.

I relax into this truth and feel its gentle, loving embrace. I am filled with this creative peaceful, loving power right now and always. I choose to turn my attention to this truth and embrace it as I consciously choose to cocreate my life with Spirit.

Speaking my word in Oneness with Spirit I claim peace, joy and love within. Love for myself, love for Spirit, love for one another. In this love I find the ability to be one with the flow of life and affirm my freedom regardless of what happens in court. I feel this great urge and wanting within to be free of prison and affirm that this is my greatest desire for resolution in court; and at the same time I claim an aura of peace and love and joy as my truth right here and now. I am never truly separate from this truth and it serves me well in bringing my greatest desires to fruition and manifestation. So, I relax and let life flow ever forward knowing my goodness, my worthiness, and the power of Spirit to move me and guide me and those that make decisions regarding my life to manifest my highest good.

Spirit, thank you for these words of comfort and promise. I accept your embrace, your love and know that it keeps me safe and free, as free as I am able to be. I am grateful, oh so grateful to accept you into my life, into my affairs.

With this all being said, I release this word into the divine law of creation and just let it be. And so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/2/06)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Welcome Buyer of Your Home

Thank you God in action ...

For You to welcome the new buyer for your home ...

Breathing evenly and regularly I sit here in the light relaxing. I relax into this moment, letting go of all thoughts about future and past; I just relax into the regularity of breathing ...

One God, one creator of all there is; one intelligence, one creation right here, right now. One mind, one thought, God is all there is.

I am one with this thought right now in this very moment, I am one with God right now and always, it can be no other way. I accept this truth and consciously choose to speak my truth from this place of oneness with God, cocreating the life I choose right now.

I consciously choose to pass my home on to the next owner. In this moment of oneness I feel the goodness of this home, I feel the goodness in my heart, I feel the goodness in the new owner's heart and the oneness we share with the goodness of God in this moment. So, I relax and allow God to work through each of us as we each allow the guidance of God to move through us as us. I know and affirm that all that is in motion comes to fruition easily and naturally in God's time. I know those assisting in this transaction are included in the Oneness I feel right now. There is a common Spirit moving through each and every one and I affirm that Spirit is felt and heard and followed by each person involved in this transaction. This transaction is completed for the highest good of all and the harm of none.

Thank you God in action. With an attitude of gratitude I release this word into God's law knowing, affirming and letting it be the Truth, now. And so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/30/05)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Child Moving into Adult

I recognize and accept the gift of Spirit's guidance ...

May my Child find their way easily and naturally with Spirit lighting the way as they move into and through life as an adult.

As I sit and relax I hear music in the background ... I just relax into the melodies and breathe ... I allow the melody and the rhythm to help me leave behind thoughts of past and future and to just be in this moment, even as it flows on one beat at a time ...

One life, one creative intelligence creating all there is, one everlasting moment that is truly right now. One creation, one creator, one created ... One ... All is connected by this constantly evolving consciousness we call Spirit ...

In this very moment I know and affirm my oneness with Spirit; as I relax into the timelessness of this moment I feel it, I breathe it, I know it and I accept it, my Oneness with Spirit. I accept that I am an emanation of the One equal in power and scope to every other emanation of this energy moving through the universe from the beginning of time and space. So, I consciously choose to cocreate my reality with Spirit within.

With my Child in mind, I consciously speak this truth in the first person: I consciously choose to follow the path I find illuminated within my soul. I accept my special gifts to share with the world; I know I am a vital part of the whole and choose to play my part fully and completely as I move down the path of Life discovering more and more about myself and my uniqueness in the world. Each person I meet along the way I recognize as an emanation of this same source with special gifts to share with me and the world. I calmly watch, observe, learn, and interact when appropriate so that we grow together in consciousness of the one and the beauty that we create together.

I recognize and accept the gift of Spirit's guidance as I move into adulthood and through it easily, gracefully, always affirming that my actions are for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned. I accept this. I bless this. I am so very grateful for this.

With a hearty Thank You Spirit within, I release this word to the creative process knowing and accepting its truth and manifestation in my life now!

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/29/05)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Easy Relationship

This relationship comes easily and naturally ...

For You to relax into the flow of life and accept union with God as absolute and unconditional. For You to know the same is unequivocally true for your Loved One and to allow your relationship to develop from the center outward into whatever it is meant to be in the greater evolution of life.

I relax into life's gentle rhythms as I sit in the natural light. I breathe deeply and let it go ... I close my eyes and go within, slowly, easily, gently ... I let go of all external stimuli and breathe deeply and relax into my inner life.

Here I feel the beating of my heart merge with the rhythm of my breath and I relax. I think about You and your Loved One and relationship ... I think about healing and wholeness ... There is one power, one mind everywhere present in this universe creating all I see and all I experience; this is true for me now and is true for everyone and everything for we all come from one Creator.

I go deeper into this thought, into this idea, and know that You, your Loved One and I meet in the one Mind and here healing takes place. Each of us is an individual expression of the Creator. In this creative medium we call Mind anything is possible. What I claim in faith believing here in the one Mind, without harming or controlling another, is true for me and I manifest this in life as I move forward down my true path. What I claim at the request of another is true for them also, for we are one in Mind, one in Truth ...

Breathing deeply and relaxing into the present moment I let go of all thoughts and allow inspiration to come from my center, from my connection to Mind, to God ... Easily and naturally I claim for myself that true happiness I seek as a warm, committed, loving relationship with another individual that shares my values, beliefs and aspirations. This relationship comes easily and naturally moving beyond the distractions the world presents as quickly and as surely as Cupid's arrow flies to the heart. This intimacy is maintained throughout each and every day as we move separately and together through our routine tasks. Love is a bond that knows no boundaries or limitations. I accept this gift from the Creator wholeheartedly with no reservations and am truly happy.

Thank you God for this moment of Peace and Happiness. I accept it now and always, knowing all I claim is manifest now in God's perfection as I release these words into your omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresence. So it is and so I let it be.


Monday, December 25, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Hanukah, Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza

I follow the Light and know I am safe ...

To remember what this day, this time of year, is really about for us as human beings.

I sit in the morning Light with music playing in the background. The sun shines through a veil of clouds on green grass with glistening drops of dew. The ducks graze and chatter as the deciduous trees stand as silent sentinels. In this peaceful setting I breathe deeply and relax ... I reflect on the changing of the seasons and its meaning to life on earth.

In my relaxing into this moment I feel my connection to all around me. I know there is no separation in truth. All is interconnected in an invisible weave. On the cosmic scale the earth, the moon, the sun, our galaxy move in a dance that is delicate and balanced, each taking its place in relation to the other, effecting and being effected. I know this is true of the domestic scene described above, and I know this is true of the microcosm with all the molecules, atoms, protons and electrons, keeping a delicate balance in each of their spheres. And then there are the seasons ...

The seasons are measured by the sun's relationship to earth and its ability to effect life here. From the beginning of time and the inception of biological life on Earth this rhythm has been a vital factor. Like the rotation of the Earth with its periods of light and dark on a daily basis, there is the changing length of the day as the latitudes move away from the equator. Four times a year we celebrate the high, low and middle points of the Sun's journey as the changing of the seasons. Animal and plant life recognize these changes intuitively and react in a variety of ways: migration, hibernation, dormancy, going to seed, giving birth, ripening ... Humans bring this intuition to consciousness and mark the calendar with auspicious days.

Winter marks the return of the light to the northern hemisphere, the lengthening of the days, a promise that the storms, cold and darkness of winter will give way once again to the rising light. And in learning to mark these physical facts, we humans have learned to mark spiritual truths. This season celebrates the constancy of the light through dark times for Jewish people; it celebrates the rising star of the East that illuminates the Christ consciousness in each of us for the Christians; it celebrates the connection of African Americans to their ancestors in Africa who gather together to celebrate the first fruits of their harvest; it celebrates a time to exchange gifts in remembrance of the important role we play in each other's life; it celebrates the heartfelt gift that comes to us naturally from "outside" us in the form of Father Winter reminding us of our individual value to the whole.

So, I relax and affirm the gifts of this season, regardless of my personal circumstances at this time. I remember the wholeness, the perfection, the completeness that lies in my heart as it does in the center of all that exists. In truth we are one, and permanent harm befalls no one. The illusion of loss, hurt, pain, aloneness vanishes in the moment we remember the light that burns bright within and without us; as we remember the light that always returns to help us grow into our fruition; as we remember the light that inexorably draws us toward it even through the darkest times. I breathe it in and I breathe it out; the rhythm of life continues; time marches on and I march with it accepting my importance in the oneness of life, the oneness of existence.

I am very grateful for this quiet reflective time today. I am grateful for the opportunity to return here each day throughout the year to enjoy the beautiful truth of my being in the peace and quiet of my own heart. Thank you Light for your strength and power to pull me to you, to guide me through the dark places. I follow you freely and easily and know I am safe.

I release these words into the divine holy scientific law of creation, knowing they are true even as they are formed. And so I let it be, and so it is, now and forevermore.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/25/00)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Law of Attraction -- I am Never Alone with God

I move steadily and easily toward my highest good ...

For Anyone feeling desperate, because of the conditions in their life, to relax into the Love of the Almighty Power of God and know they are never alone.

Relax ... Breathe deeply ... feel the presence of God in your breath ... feel the gift of life in the beating of your heart ... and know as surely as life flows through your body now, God is guiding you to your highest good.

We live in a universe created by God. Before there was a universe, there was only God, therefore this universe is made by God from God. Everything and everyone in it is part God. It can be no other way. Relax into this truth now and let go of all else. Allow that creative part of you that knows it is one with God to come to the front, to rise to the top ... here is the light, the power, the knowledge to move you through each and every obstacle that appears in your path.

Affirm with me: I let go of all that serves me no longer. I am one with the creative power of the universe. I move steadily and easily toward my highest good.

I love my children. My children receive the support and education they need to grow strong, smart and true to themselves.

I love my mother. My mother receives the care her condition demands and is nurtured and loved by those that care for her.

Love carries us through each and every trial and tribulation. I love those I work with. I am supported abundantly by my work. I am a conscious human being. I create all I need to support myself and my family easily and naturally. I am led to those people and agencies that help guide me and my family to our highest good.

I relax and listen within for the guidance I need. My intuition is an ally as I discover the correct path to my highest good. I smile and accept happiness into my life now. I look out and see God reflected back to me. This is a beautiful world. My family is beautiful. I rest peacefully now, knowing I live in God's Grace.

Thank you God for your help and assistance in this time of need. I know you are with me, my children, my family and my friends. I relax into your loving presence now and always. I am grateful for my knowledge and faith and your persistence in guiding me to safety and security.

Relaxing, releasing, breathing I let it be so and so it is, now and always ...


(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/11/99)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Know and Trust Spirit

Thank you Spirit for the kindnesses I hear whispering ...

For You to know and trust the will of Spirit flowing through You right now, in this holy moment. And in opening to this flow to let go and with faith infinite and eternal allow the goodness of life to be yours now!

As I relax into this moment of peace and quiet I let Spirit within do the talking. Knowing there is only one mind I open myself to the Truth ... I breathe deeply and relax ...

One infinite, eternal power creates all there is. This power is right here, right now. It is in the air, in the ground, in my mind and in these words; It is in You, the earth, the sky and all that exists ... I see this power clearly when I look deep into your eyes ... and in this moment I feel the connection between everyone and everything fully and completely ... there is no separation between you, me and the creative power of the universe. We are truly one.

In this state of unity I claim all that is good to be known, experienced and accepted right now by all that speak, hear, feel and see the truth beyond these words:

I am a holy child of Oneness ... Spirit flows and I flow with it in the center of the stream ... I love it here ... I am relaxed, open ... all my needs are provided naturally and easily as I do what I am called to do. I am free to be all that I truly am ... my mission, my purpose, here on earth is laid out for me to follow and I do. Happiness is normal as I move through life sharing my special, Spirit given, talents with the world. When my faith is tested along the way ... I relax and breathe and move through each and every challenge with a smile on my face to the fulfillment I see on the other side.

Thank you Spirit for being here with me when I feel alone; Thank you Spirit for the kindnesses I hear whispering in my ear when I feel abandoned; Thank you world for sharing your bountiful treasures with me when I feel lack in my life. I accept the nurturing love of all my friends, knowing each one is Spirit in action. I feel the earth beneath my feet and am thankful for being supported so completely. I let go of my fears and watch the wind of time blow them away; I embrace the eternal and am whole, complete and perfect in this holy instant.

I am reborn again now and see all things anew. I move with certainty and knowingness through each day ... I am open to all possibilities. Partnered with Spirit, I know I am in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time -- all the time!

I say, "YES, LIFE! Thank you." Passionately I release these words to the creative power of the universe and let them be ... and so it is!

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/7/97)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Mother and Daughter: Right Actions

I feel a wonderful sense of acceptance and peace ...

For Mother: Perfect clarity about living situation, acceptance of the natural flow of abundance and peace of mind. For Daughter: Divine right guidance and action regarding home and Boyfriend.

One God, one life, one outpouring of love from the beginning of time. One creator, one power, one divine presence filling all the universe with itself from the beginning of space.

And here we sit in silent contemplation of this truth. When I relax deeply, I feel this power, presence, intelligence in me and I know that this is the same for everyone, because it can be no other way. One power, one presence, one people, one world, one universe all equally filled with God.

Knowing and accepting this truth right here and right now, I speak my word as one with the creator. Therefore, I claim and accept the clarity of this omniscient power as mine now; I relax into my connection with God and allow answers to my questions to come forth easily and effortlessly. I take time each day to listen within; this is a natural process and I trust it, I believe it and I let it flow in a healthy and postive way, for the highest good of all.

I accept this truth for Daughter, too, in the oneness of this moment. I affirm that she is guided, nurtured, protected by God in all her decisions and actions. I know and affirm that God is right there where Boyfriend is and that this is good, very very good. I allow the goodness, truth, honesty, integrity of God to come forth in this situation easily, naturally, fully completely for the highest good of all and the harm of none.

Thank you God for your powerful presence in my life, in our lives. I feel a wonderful sense of acceptance and peace and affirm a constant flow of abundance in my life.

God, I accept your guidance with faith believing and release this word into your care. I know and affirm the law of mind is at work here and so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/23/05)

Law of Attraction -- Use Creativity to Heal

YES, my mind is a creative force ...

To know, feel and experience the creative power I am and to empower
myself to use this creativity to heal myself and others.

I breathe deeply and relax into the oneness of life I
feel all around me ... I relax into thoughts of God
as I continue breathing in an easy full manner ...
I let go of all thoughts except that we are one in truth ...
I sense the constant flow of life around me and through me ...
I relax deeper into this flow and let it carry me with it ...

These words come easily and naturally to me in this relaxed
flowing state. I am one with the primordial flow of life and
creation. Everything here works together in unfolding, growing,
evolving, becoming, being, expressing that one Intelligence from
which all existence springs. Each bit around me is separate but we
are all parts of this one flowing creation. I resist the temptation
to move against the flow and instead relax further into the present
moment and become one with the flow of evolution. I allow my thought
to embrace the goodness I feel in this free flowing environment.

I face my fear of being swept away by uncontrollable forces
and take charge of my experience. I am one with the present
moment and I know, beyond all doubt, that creation begins now,
with my thought of wholeness and full self expression. I let
go of the past and leave it be as I focus on the creativity present
in me right now, in this moment. I nurture and cultivate an attitude
of unlimited creative power initiated within me in this moment
of realization.

Yes, I am one with the creative power of the universe.

Yes, I am a self reflective spiritual being having
a human experience and,

Yes, I am in charge of this experience.

Yes, I am one with the universal intelligence creating the world
around me.

Yes, I am able to cocreate my experience of life using my conscious
connection with the universal Intelligence.

Yes, my mind is a creative force in the universe because it
is one with the universal mind.

Yes, I am at peace with this truth and

Yes, I am at peace with myself.

In this peaceful place I pause and think on the apparent imperfections
in myself and the world around me. In this moment I take the time to
apply this unlimited universal creative power flowing through me to
seeing the wholeness and perfection that is always present before,
through and after any perceived experience of imperfection. Life
is whole, complete and perfect in its essence.

I am so thankful for this realization and experience of
the creative power I am. My acceptance and gratitude go hand
in hand as I move forward from this moment embracing the truth
and creating a full, happy, healthy life in alignment with the
universal expression of Spirit I joyfully flow with. I am healed ...
all around me is healed ... the world is whole and I am happy.

I release these words into the creative process, into the
law of life, and am happy for I know the truth is so now
and forevermore. So it is, and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 8/5/97)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Peaceful Closure with Parents

I relax into Oneness and am free ...

For continued peaceful closure with my beloved parents.

Sitting in the present moment I breathe deep and relax... I continue this practice ... relaxing deeper into my connection with the creative power of the universe... I am one with the creative intelligence creating all there is, I am one with Spirit. I continue breathing deeper into my center, into this unity with Spirit...

Spirit is all there is in Truth, the creative power of the universe holding all together with love, the universal power of attraction. One Spirit, one Life, one Love, one Universe, one World, one People ... Here I feel a wonderful connection with all that is... and all that was... here there is no time, no space, just this present moment... and this moment can expand to cover all time and space. I relax here in the center of creation as it pours through me. I am free to travel wherever I wish to be, and I do...

I honor my ancestors and relax into these memories that come easily into my mind. I honor by beloved parents, and allow the memories to flood my mind... my emotions are full and express my love for them... Yes, I am grateful so grateful to be your son and for all that we have been through together... Thank you Spirit within for opening this door, connecting us here in this present moment to express our love freely and openly... I sense the continuity of our family heritage and am pleased to be a vital part of this lineage. I honor and respect each of you, mother and father, and give homage to you now.

As I continue to relax and process in this grounded, centered state I am filled with gratitude and thanksgiving for the spiritual connection I have with my parents through Spirit. Thank you for guiding me, sustaining me, nurturing me, loving me, being with me always. I never forget you, I never forsake you, in truth we are one.

As it is spoken, felt, experienced, so I let it be and release this word into the divine law of oneness, knowing this unity is always right where I am when I take the time to relax into it I am blessed.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/21/05)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Move through Ill Health

I accept my perfect self ...

For You to imagine the perfection that is the truth of your body, mind and spirit so you can move forward through the frustration of ill health to realization of progress on your path to a more full experience of that perfection that is the truth.

Affirming that we share one Mind, that is, one creative medium through which all comes into existence, I take this time to pray with You, knowing that the purity of our thoughts and the sincerity of our emotions and the feelings they produce in us bring into experience that which is first held in imagination.

I take a deep breath in ... then let it go with a sigh ... With that sigh I release any thoughts of this day and relax into just this moment. I focus my attention on Spirit; Spirit in me, Spirit all around me ... I relax into the chair, into the floor, into the earth; I relax into the gentle flow of air as it passes back and forth through my lungs ... I relax into the gentle beating of my heart and the whoosh of blood flowing through my veins and arteries ... I relax into the presence of God ...

Here I am filled with awareness that God is all there is in truth. I feel the intelligence that comes forth at the beginning of time and space is everywhere equally present in the universe. God is here, there and everywhere. God is in me and you and the situation. God is perfect, whole and complete; God could not be otherwise. And I am one with God and You are one with God.

I speak my word now immersed in the presence of God, immersed in the creative medium of Mind with You. Eyes closed, heart open, body relaxed, breath natural and full, mind focused on God presence; I imagine myself standing straight and strong with a perfectly healthy body. I have a smile on my face and happiness in my heart. There is nothing I cannot do; I have no limitations. I feel good, I am strong, I am focused and clear about what I am to do next, I am excited by my present situation, the future I see for myself is bright and filled with love, I am calm and self-assured, I am light and happy, I am healthy, I am pursuing my dreams, I am unlimited ...

I accept my perfect self and with a grateful heart I move into my vision of perfection easily and naturally. Thank you God for revealing the fullness of your presence to me now. I release these words to your creative mind, knowing full well they are manifest and true even as they are spoken.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/30/00)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Law of Attraction -- High Watch for Healing Body and Mid

I accept the power of Spirit to heal ...

For Your peace of mind as you hold the high watch for your friend or relative's healing.

I sit quietly and turn my awareness inward ... As I read these words I let each one resonate through my consciousness ... As I contemplate the subject's challenges, I hold the high watch for their healing of body and mind ...

I know there is one power, one presence, one creative intelligence equally present in all the universe. I know I am an active part of this intelligence as is the subject. I know we are one part of a magnificent whole as I sit and watch branches moving in the wind and grass spreading seed and flowers blooming, one at a time. I feel the power of creation all around and in me as I sit and read these words and form new thoughts and ideas as I do so. I relax into this truth and contemplate the power of this intelligence to create and grow everything in the universe, including me.

As I think back on all the changes I have been through in my life, I remember all the wounds that have been healed--physical, emotional, mental. I marvel at my ability to mend my skin, soothe my emotions and clarify my mind. I am aware that this is naturally the result of an overall plan and design. I see now everything in creation is naturally part of this plan and design and that one power, one presence, one intelligence is the active agent, or Spirit, of this design and plan.

As a conscious, active part of Spirit, the words I speak have creative power and causative effect in the world. I choose to speak these words with the Subject in mind. Spirit is with the Subject as It is with me. As I relax into this truth and let it sink deep into my consciousness, I imagine it touching the Subject also. In the oneness of the universe we are one, and I affirm the power of creation is active in the Subject now, bringing wholeness to mind and body. I breathe deeply and relax and let Spirit do its work easily, gently and naturally. I affirm all that happens is for the highest good for the Subject, our family and myself.

I accept the power of Spirit to heal and express my heartfelt gratitude now and always for the working of power, presence and intelligence in my life; in the Subject's life. Thank you for being with us, guiding us, nurturing us and our family through all life's challenges.

Into the oneness I release these words, knowing they are true and manifest even as they are spoken, for that is the way of Spirit. So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/10/99)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Law of Attraction -- World Peace and Success

I radiate Peace and Love out to all the World...

For You to relax and fill your heart with Peace, thus moving everyone in the world closer to the realization of the Peace within. And to use this attitude in finding the clarity to move forward successfully in business.

God is all there is. Creative intelligence bringing itself forward into manifestation creating the universe, the galaxies, the solar system, the earth--our world. God is Peace, Prosperity, Joy and Love. God is all things--no spot where God is not.

We are manifestations of God; therefore each is Creative Intelligence expressing itself here on Earth. I know and affirm that this creative intelligence in me is creating the world within and the world without and choose now to focus this intelligence on my desires for World Peace and success in business.

Breathing deeply and evenly I relax into this moment, this present moment. This gentle rhythm brings me within through my heart to my center. I pause here and reflect on my intentions. I relax further into my center with each breath. As I continue this practice I find myself coming in contact with my connection to God within. As I relax further I feel the truth that God is everywhere. I focus on the Peace I find here in my connection with God. I relax into this Peace and allow it to radiate out through my connection with God to all the world. Yes, I am Peace, right here, right now. My world is filled with Peace and I radiate this out to all that are open to receive it. Yes, this is the Peace that is meant to be. And I let it be so.

In this peaceful place of connection with God, I feel the natural abundance of nature all around me. I relax into this feeling of abundance and feel an happiness arise within me as I contemplate my new business. I feel a sense of satisfaction that I am able to bring myself, my special gifts to the world, as my contribution to the whole. I feel the natural flow of life and commerce that are so closely aligned and move easily into this flow. Yes, I am a part of the natural flow of prosperity and success. And I let this be.

I am so grateful for the fullness of life, of God, expressing through me as me. I accept this connection now and always, we are never apart. I move in alignment with the clarity I find within and express my love and gratitude each day, with each person I meet.

I release this word into the creative process knowing and accepting that it is true and manifest even as I let it go.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/17/05)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Parent with Teen in Trouble

I am Spirit powered by love ...

For Parent and teenage Child to feel the support of Spirit constantly and consistently as they grow through this apparent challenge together.

Sitting in the quiet I breathe in deeply, fully, completely ... and let it go with a sigh ... I continue breathing easily and gently ... I consciously relax into the chair as the gentle rhythm of my breath pulls my attention to my center ... I just relax into this center ... into this moment ... easily ... naturally ... gently ...

Spirit is all there is. One unconditional Presence in all that exists. One Creator holding all space and time within itself. One Power animating all galaxies, all stars, all planets, all life, all humanity.

Spirit is right here in my center ... Spirit is where we are; each of us is individualized Spirit. I know this truth for myself and for Parent and Child, in truth it can be no other way. The creative power of Spirit is who we are. I call upon this power in this moment to enliven, empower, embolden each of us to live our lives from this place of connection with our highest good. And I affirm that this is so, now! Parent is able to relax into their own self, their own consciousness of the situation and hold the high watch for Child, knowing love is the power that sees them through all obstacles; Child is able to call on this inner power to fulfill their obligations, feeling the love that supports them through all obstacles; I affirm this for each of us now and always.

I am so grateful for this power and presence that I feel in this moment -- in this moment that is eternal in truth. I accept the guidance of Spirit in this situation and affirm its constant background of nurturing support arising naturally in us. I am so grateful for this everlasting power of unconditional love to provide guidance and grounding to us.

Spirit is all there is -- each of us is Spirit in Action. I accept this, I bless this and I let it go. And so it is.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/15/05)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Financial Prosperity

I accept, for myself, financial prosperity ...

For You to relax, express yourself freely and easily and attract financial prosperity.

In the quiet of this moment I gently close my eyes and consciously relax by breathing deep and slow, dropping my shoulders smiling a little, feeling my seat on the chair and my feet on the floor ... yes, I relax into this moment ...

One Spirit, one omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent creative intelligence enveloping all of creation from beginning to end ... All that exists is this original intelligence in form. There is nothing in the universe that is separate from this intelligence, this Spirit.

Feeling this truth in this moment I know and accept my oneness with Spirit and the creative intelligence that expresses itself as this world. I feel and accept this creative power in my words now as I focus them on creating the life I most desire.

I claim for myself financial prosperity. I claim for myself clarity and decisiveness in my decisions. I release my fears and claim my power by taking time each day to sit in quiet contemplation on the gifts I bring to this world; I search my heart, my center, fearlessly exposing my most fervent dreams and desires; I let nothing stand in my way; I forgive and release all that I stand in judgment of; I move forward confident and bold toward my goal. I know and accept that I am not alone on this journey; Spirit is with me each step of the way and I recognize Spirit in all that I see around me, because all is Spirit. I find Spirit in my coworkers and cohorts; I find Spirit in those I give to and those I receive from. Spirit is all there is and my solution is in my relationship with Spirit. I culture and coddle this relationship each and every day with our special time together.

Spirit, I am so grateful to know and feel you in my life. I relax into your loving embrace and know and accept that all is well. I move forward diligently taking care of business knowing it is our business and I accept the rewards that come easily, gently, fully, completely.

And now I release this word into that creative law that always says yes. With a grateful heart I just let it be.

And so it is, now and always.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/14/05)

Law of Attraction -- Calmness, Peace, Forgiveness

I accept Peace, Love and Forgiveness for each of us ...

For You to find peace within yourself as you pray for your friend to find calmness and peace and their spouse to find forgiveness in their heart.

Settling down to collect my thoughts I sit and relax... as I breathe gently and fully, I let my shoulders drop and my face relax ... I feel the floor beneath me and the air around me ... I relax into the naturalness and simplicity of this moment ...

There is one Power, one Presence, one Creative Intelligence creating this room, this world, this universe right now. This intelligence is in, of and through everything from beginning to end. There is no place this Intelligence is not fully and completely present. Yes, I relax into this truth, breathing it in and breathing it out ...

I easily and naturally accept my oneness with this Power, Presence, Intelligence and use it now in this prayer. I know and accept this Intelligence as active and present in these words because I am filled with this Intelligence now and always and pour it forth now in this concentrated prayer.

First, I claim for myself a sense of calm and peace, the peace from which all comes as I am one with the Creator of the universe right now.

As I relax into this peaceful sense of security and oneness with the divine, I consciously bring my friend to mind. I see them as relaxed and as one with me in this moment; we are one in the divine. I allow my sense of oneness and peace to flood over and fill them with its beauty and grace. I see it pushing out all the stress and dysfunction that is creating problems for their family. I see them happy and free. And I just let this be and continue expressing myself with Power, Presence and Intelligence.

And I continue speaking my word for my friend's spouse. In the oneness of this moment I claim for them a powerful connection with this Power, Presence and Creative Intelligence. I affirm with and for them an infusion of balance and harmony so that they see their way clear to forgive the past and grasp the present. I see them filled with life and light, approaching this challenge with equanimity and finding their higher, more joyful self in the process. And I just let this be.

I continue this prayer with a profound attitude of gratitude for the Love I feel within myself; the Love I know is with each person involved. And I just say thank you Creator of Life within for your gifts of clarity and vision.

In oneness with the divine I release this word into the creative law knowing and accepting the truth as manifest now.

And so it is. Amen

(Originally published on SharePrayer 10/8/05)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Express Highest Good

I am grounded in truth and centered in power ...

For You to quiet your mind and relax into this present moment and easily find, understand and move into the expression of your highest good.

Peacefully I sit in the chair, breathe deeply ... and relax each muscle in my body one at a time, taking all the time I need to really relax ... starting with my chest ... and moving up to my head and neck ... my shoulders ... arms and hands ... abdomen ... buttocks and thighs ... legs and feet ... I release all thoughts and open my mind to this present moment ...

I feel my feet on the floor and the earth beneath pulling me toward it, holding me with its constant, loving attraction ... I have an elemental connection with the earth and I feel it in this moment ... I know it is always there with me and for me ...

I feel the air all around me as I move through it and it moves through me ... I am refreshed by its touch on my skin and energized by its oxygen in my blood ... I am one with the air ... intimately involved in every way now and always ...

As I sit still with a quiet mind I sense the presence of another constant in my life ... I wonder why and how it is I sit on this spinning globe breathing, living, moving, being ... In this moment I know there is one intelligence creating me and all I see, think and feel, because it can be no other way ... This is Spirit; Spirit is invisible, ever present and totally creative ... Whenever I relax like this I feel creativity, understanding and clarity of purpose and action moving me forward to express my individuality. I know I am guided by this original intelligence named Spirit.

In truth I know Spirit is all there is and that I am one with Spirit. Spirit is the power creating heaven and earth and I use this power to create my life. In this moment I am free in Spirit, I am free in the World, to create my ideal life and I consciously do so right now. I am grounded in truth and centered in power and I move freely toward my goals. Through tears or through laughter, through pain or through pleasure, through work or through play, I move forward with Spirit as my guide and I am glad.

Thank you Spirit within for awakening me to my power and strength; I am forever grateful and humble as I accept myself as one with you. I move forward now with a renewed sense of peace and with an attitude of gratitude for the wholeness I feel inside. I release these words to your creative law knowing they are true and manifest even before they are spoken. So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/3/99)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Law of Attraction -- For my Friend

I move forward in life from the center ...

For You to hold your Friend in consciousness as the perfection they truly are, functioning normally in life, shining their spiritual light for all.

With the purring cat on my lap helping me relax into this morning, I take a deep breath and let it go. I do this again, letting my mind settle on nothing as I let go and let Spirit inspire me.

I know there is one Spirit, one constant, consistent stream of life flowing from one source, one beginning. I know I am one with Spirit, one with the source of life, and I know this is true of all creation; in truth there can be no separation. So, I speak my word now with my Friend in mind knowing we are one.

I accept the perfection of life and the intelligence that creates it; I accept my oneness with this intelligence and the perfection I am; I accept my ability to express perfectly in this life now.

I turn away from all appearances of imperfection and embrace the light of truth at the center of my being; I move closer to this light with each breath; I release every thought into this light; I immerse myself in this light and I am this light.

I move forward in life from the center of my being seeing this same light everywhere I look. I am cleansed, I am healed, I am whole right now, in this moment, and this moment expands in eternity.

Thank you Mother Father Creator for sharing your Light, Love and Life with me and my friend; I embrace the truth and release all fear into the void knowing only the primordial faith that is the foundation of my existence.

With an attitude of gratitude I release these words to the flow of evolution knowing they are true and manifest even before being spoken. So it is and so I accept it.

Blessed be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/1/98)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Be of Greater Service

God shows me how to be of greater service ...

For You to see, know, feel how to be of greater service in the world.

Sitting solidly on the earth I breathe in and out, gently, constantly feeling the rhythm of life ... my heart adds its constant beat ... the sounds around me add their accents to this composition ... I just relax into life as it is right now and turn my attention inside ...

Here I make my connection with God. God, the one ineffable creator of the universe. God, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being. God, in, of and through all that exists. God, the oneness, allness of the universe.

Making this connection with God, I know I am one with God, the creative intelligence behind, in and through all that exists, including me. I use this knowledge, this feeling, this power to cocreate with God exactly what it is that I am to do, be, have in this world. I know my word, thought and deed are creative and I carefully choose each one to reflect this desire to be of service as I find and fulfill my greatest potential here in this life.

God shows me how to be of greater service in the world. I relax into this affirmation and allow my intuition to guide me forward on my path. I move forward confident, with a sense of excitement and expectation at what gifts await me as I continue on. I am blessed to be on this path; I am blessed to be me.

I accept myself just as I am and as I am becoming. I accept the path as it unfolds before me and constantly and consistently check in with God by stopping, relaxing, breathing, feeling, knowing this inner connection that is always present. Yes God, we are one and I honor this intelligence we share and use it wisely for the highest good of all and the harm of none.

Thank you God for your presence, power and love. I honor our connection and release this word into your law knowing that it is manifest even now in my life, in our life.

So it is and so I let it be, now and forever more.


(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which you most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/10/05)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Law of Attraction -- God's Grace

God's Grace fills me with Light and Peace...

For God's Grace to be known by each of You ...

Relaxing into the mixed sunshine and overcast of this morning I breathe deep and let it go with a sigh ... again and again this gentle rhythm of life reminds me of who I am sitting here with my feet on the ground and my head in the air ... In this moment life is perfect ...

Relaxing into this perfection that is God I affirm the presence of this creative intelligence every where, in every thing, through all time and space; there is no spot, God is not; there is no place, time or circumstance that God is not fully present ... God's grace fills all the universe from the whole to the particular now and always ...

God's Grace is right here where I am, filling me with Light and Peace; and as I know this is true for me I know it is true for everyone that turns their attention to this truth within their self, for we are all One with God.

I affirm God's Grace is known by You; there is no situation or circumstance that is beyond this Grace. Grace brings clear thinking and deep, inner feelings of wholeness and satisfaction with self and life to each individual; this is the truth of life for each and everyone; we are whole, complete and perfect before, beyond, and through any perceived obstruction to seeing, feeling, experiencing or believing this Truth. It is always right here to be experienced, free of judgment, free of conditions, free of exclusion. There is no substance that can replace or displace Grace ... it is always present, ready to be experienced when one's attention, one's awareness, is placed on the omnipresence of God.

I turn my mind toward this Truth and affirm it in the one mind with You as your experience now, together and individually. With Grace comes a relaxation and release of tension and emotion ... With Grace comes Light and Peace ... With Grace comes an appreciation for Life with all its imperfections ... With Grace comes the freedom to be true to one's self ... With Grace each are one with their own true self, one with God and one with each other in Love, now and always.

Gratitude wells up within me easily and naturally as I appreciate my own true self as one with the creative intelligence of the universe. I give thanks for the truth as it is revealed to me here and now and affirm this Truth again and again. Thank you.

I release this word to God's Grace that fills us now, knowing, affirming, accepting this Truth as ours now and for ever more.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 12/9/05)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Panic and Anxiety

I accept your creative presence within me ...

For You to release anxiety and panic and relax into the arms of the Mother and be comforted and know you are always safe in truth. And to further know that the Father is with you always, inspiring, guiding and acting with you in the world.

I sit here in silence. I sit here and witness all that is going on around me. I release all this activity when I close my eyes and turn my gaze, my listening and my feeling inward. I silently sit with my awareness focused within toward my heart. Its steady beat reassures me. The sound of my breath is like the wind moving leaves across a path, taking my thoughts with them. I relax into this scene and wait... Now I sense the presence of something greater than my heart, my breath, my thoughts right here in this moment. My awareness expands to include this presence and I feel the warm, loving embrace of the Mother of us all holding me gently, lovingly. I know I am safe now, and I am relieved.

In this holy presence I consciously speak my word, claiming that which I know is true right now and is true always. There is one power, one presence, one intelligence creating and animating all that exists. Everywhere I look I see this intelligence at work. I see it in the trees, flowers and grass; I hear it in the crow's caw and in each person I meet; I feel it in the food I eat; I know this power within me now.

Embraced by the Mother and held safe in her arms, I speak my word affirming a consistent experience of the world as a safe, loving, supportive environment for me. As I step out into the world I know the strength, courage and wisdom of the Father is here with me, propelling me toward my goal.

Thank you Mother/Father God for your guidance, inspiration and strength as I move forward in life. I accept my oneness with you and take time each day to sit, release my thoughts and feel the presence of your power and intelligence in me. I accept your creative presence within me and in the world. We are one and I am safe in this knowledge with you.

I release these words, feelings and thoughts into the creative power and know they are manifest even before they are spoken. And so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/28/99)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Joyful, Light-filled Home

With peace in my heart I am free ...

To know You are one with God and manifesting all your God qualities easily and naturally; peace, power, patience predominate as You create a home filled with joy, love and light.

With Peace in my heart I relax into this morning. With peace in my heart I am free to be me ... with peace in my heart I open to the infinite possibilities of life. With peace in my heart I find my way through life easily and naturally. With peace in my heart I know I am one with God.

God is everywhere present in creation and God is present in me, right now. I recognize this fact and bring it into my awareness now and feel that presence of God that I am, now and always ...

I know that what is true for me right now is true for everyone; it can be no other way for we are all created from one source, one creator and coexist in one universe.

I relax into this truth and move forward into this day, and each day, with an attitude of gratitude for the power, presence and potential of God expressing through me, as me, and know that as I speak these words their truth cannot be denied. My word is God's word and I bless this moment with reverence and respect for the good I am naturally creating for myself and those around me.

Change, as evolution, is constant throughout existence and I move on in my life creating a comfortable home for myself wherever I am. I accept the safety and sanctity of my home and am happy here, right where I am. I relax into the light, love and joy of God that I immerse myself in.

With Peace in my heart I relax into this morning, and every morning, and move on into the new day with God as my guide. Thank you Life for the power, presence and perfection of this moment ... I accept it, I bless it, I let it be, now and forevermore.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 4/30/98)

Monday, December 04, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Anxiety and Panic

I accept your creative presence within me ...

For You to release anxiety and panic and relax into the arms of the Mother and be comforted and know you are always safe in truth. And to further know that the Father is with you always, inspiring, guiding and acting with you in the world.

I sit here in silence. I sit here and witness all that is going on around me. I release all this activity when I close my eyes and turn my gaze, my listening and my feeling inward. I silently sit with my awareness focused within toward my heart. Its steady beat reassures me. The sound of my breath is like the wind moving leaves across a path, taking my thoughts with them. I relax into this scene and wait... Now I sense the presence of something greater than my heart, my breath, my thoughts right here in this moment. My awareness expands to include this presence and I feel the warm, loving embrace of the Mother of us all holding me gently, lovingly. I know I am safe now, and I am relieved.

In this holy presence I consciously speak my word, claiming that which I know is true right now and is true always. There is one power, one presence, one intelligence creating and animating all that exists. Everywhere I look I see this intelligence at work. I see it in the trees, flowers and grass; I hear it in the crow's caw and in each person I meet; I feel it in the food I eat; I know this power within me now.

Embraced by the Mother and held safe in her arms, I speak my word affirming a consistent experience of the world as a safe, loving, supportive environment for me. As I step out into the world I know the strength, courage and wisdom of the Father is here with me, propelling me toward my goal.

Thank you Mother/Father God for your guidance, inspiration and strength as I move forward in life. I accept my oneness with you and take time each day to sit, release my thoughts and feel the presence of your power and intelligence in me. I accept your creative presence within me and in the world. We are one and I am safe in this knowledge with you.

I release these words, feelings and thoughts into the creative power and know they are manifest even before they are spoken. And so it is.

Blessed Be
