Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Antidote for Feeling Lost

I am light and filled with love ...

For You to find yourself as one with Life, solid, secure, safe in Love as an antidote to feeling lost.

Sitting here on a cloudy day brooding in the darkness I am suddenly illuminated by the sun breaking through and filling this room with its light... I take a deep breath and let it go with a sigh... again and again I do this as I settle into my chair and feel gravity holding me gently on the earth... I close my eyes and relax into this golden moment and the gentle rhythm of my breath...

All there is is Life expressing as everything in the universe... Life, consciousness, love, God, the creator, creative intelligence -- whatever you name it -- moves out into the void creating itself in myriad forms; in truth all there is in all creation is the Creator creating itself in all forms.

Realizing I am a form of the Creator of Life, I accept my oneness with life and the creative process that is moving and acting through me, as me, and use this knowledge in this moment to create my perfect experience in this life. I take whatever time is necessary to imagine my perfect experience...

I am light and filled with love as I move forward in this day, and every day. I feel guided, nurtured and sustained by the evolutionary, creative process that I am in truth. I take time each day to listen deep within for that which I long to hear and move forward from this place filled with faith and trust that I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. When fear, disappointment, doubt appear in my mind I recognize them and then turn them over to my inner guide for processing; I watch, I look, I listen as they are transformed into signposts helping me along my way. I feel strengthened and assured through this process and keep moving forward. I am light and love in action.

Thank you guide within for your constant support and attention. I acknowledge this process of growth, acceptance and freedom to be who I am in truth, as my path now. I am so very grateful for the peace of mind this brings me now and for the focus on forward movement. I am found and I am free to be me, fully, completely, without reservation. Thank you.

I release this word into law knowing, accepting, believing it is true and manifest in my life now. And so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 2/2/06)

Law of Attraction -- Harmony, Health and Sale of House

I relax into God and I am able ...

For family harmony and health for each of us and to sell our out of state house.

God. God is all there is. One outpicturing of divine perfection from beginning to end. One Love holding all together in perfect right order. One Spirit within all existence guiding, enlivening each aspect to be its true, perfect self.

One family mirroring this wholeness, the microcosm within the macrocosm calls forth its inner order and perfection as the creator calls forth the universe from itself.

Wow! Stopping to take this all in I breathe deeply and let it go, relaxing into this moment filled with God and perfection and order and love and Spirit... Here I am, here we are, blessed children of the creator of all, filled with that same creativity, energy and urge to express fully and completely our inner selves, our inner nature. So, I relax and allow this expression to come out of me, out of us, easily and naturally, now and always.

I am able to bring my true, God self into all my affairs easily and naturally for the highest good of all and the harm of none. I see and accept this ability in each family member and allow it to come forth in its expression as I do my own. I see this as a wonderful learning, growing, evolutionary process and accept it as such. I easily return to my center when I stop, breathe, look within and sense the oneness that is the source of all, right here and now, within me and each person I am with.

I am at peace now and affirm a quick, easy, effortless sale of the other house. I just know the buyer is motivated and excited by the house and can't wait to take possession and move in; I feel this not only as my desire, but as a wonderful fulfillment for this person, this family, that takes the house as their own. I bless them, I thank them now.

And I thank God for the power and presence to nurture us through all apparent obstacles to the higher truth beyond and for the constant guidance that comes easily and naturally when our attention is placed on our constant connection.

In gratitude I release this word to the law that always says yes. And so I let it be and so it is, now and always.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 2/1/06)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Mother's Presence is Here

I truly acknowledge the Oneness of Creation ...

For You to feel the eternal presence of your departed Mother and be strengthened, supported and nurtured by this Presence that is always with you.

Relaxing into this day, this present moment, I breath deeply... and let it go with a sigh... I repeat this several times ... until I feel relaxed and present ... right here ... right now ...

I focus my attention on the passing of my Mother ... and allow the thoughts ... feelings ... emotions ... to all rise to the surface where I can be with them ... and then let them be exactly what they are as they sort themselves out ...

I allow this interplay to fade into the background as I focus my attention on the presence of my Mother in my consciousness now ... I allow my love for Mother to merge with this presence and the Love it represents ... Here, in this merging of the love I am and the Love that is Mother, emerges an awareness, a consciousness of the presence of the Creator of all Life within each of us. I acknowledge the allness, the eternal and infinite scope of this Creative Intelligence from which we all come and to which we all return. Wow! I acknowledge the gift of this moment and breathe it in ... and breathe it out ... I am one with the Creator ... Mother is one with the Creator ... we are together now ... and now is always ...

I am so grateful for the gifts of life, intelligence, love and so much more Mother leaves with me as she continues her journey into the Mystery of Life through death. I am so pleased to feel her presence as it is now, forevermore aligned with the presence of God and as its expression through me, as me. I truly acknowledge the oneness of creation and the vital role each of us play in its evolution.

I allow my emotions, thoughts, feelings, actions to be what they are in this world as they serve me and my evolution ... at the same time I know a deep peace within where only God exists. I carry this knowing with me wherever I go and see it all around me, deep within all life, all creation. For this I am grateful and feel its power guiding, sustaining and nourishing me now and always.

Filled up and overflowing with Love, Peace and Light, I find it easy to release this word into the Presence, knowing it is true now and always. Accepting it unconditionally, I say And So It Is!

Blessed Be

(This is written with you in mind, read it as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel in yourself the truth in the prayer, the more you will experience that truth in your life. Use the affirmation at the top to remind you of the truth throughout each day.)

(Originally published on SharePrayer 9/12/04)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Peace for a Young Widow

Thank you for your guidance as I relax and listen deep within...

To bring peace to a spouse who just lost their partner at a young age leaving children and an angry, broken, despairing heart.

Relaxing... Breathing deep and relaxing as the air rushes out... Relaxing... Letting go of tension in muscles... Breathing... Relaxing... Letting go of thoughts as quickly as they arrive... I'm just relaxing now... Time to just be for this moment... Time to be one with the presence of God...

God, Creator, the Creative Intelligence within all existence. One creative, evolutionary impulse moving out from the beginning of time and space filling all there is with itself. One wonderful blast of energy and information filling the universe with love and holding all in its embrace. I feel your presence here and now and I relax into it, letting go of all but this moment filled with love divine.

Yes, filled with love divine, I am one with the creator of all that exists; being one with Creator I accept my ability to cocreate my life, our life, with Creator's power and energy directed through me, as me. As this is true for me, it is true for each of us, including my children. With this thought in mind, I relax and ask, What do we need now?

As I listen to the rhythm of my heart, I feel the vitality and life within myself and know this same life and vitality is within the children. I mourn the loss of this vitality and life within my spouse, the children's parent. As I breathe in once more and relax into this thought I acknowledge their presence within this moment and suddenly know and acknowledge that although the life is gone the love persists; this connection that I miss so dearly has shifted to a new dimension and is, in truth, still present in my life, in the children's life... as I ponder this thought for a moment I realize it is always true... in truth my spouse lives on in our love, in our children, in our sorrow, in our happiness, in our carrying on in faith believing in the power of love to heal all wounds. The love that brought us together and brought us these wonderful children holds us even now in its embrace and is always available in these quiet, personal moments. I cherish the memories and hold them as true and real now and forever. I gather strength and wisdom from our love as I move on in life with the children as constant companions and reminders of the power of our love to bring goodness to life.

I am so grateful for the presence of Creator in my life now and the power of love I feel moving me forward through my grief. I take each step as it comes, relaxing when necessary to be recharged by this love, then moving on again with an inner knowing I am never truly alone. Thank you my love for always being near and dear as we move on together, though apart. I miss you, I bless you, I honor you and cherish the memories. Thank you for your guidance even now as I relax and listen deep within.

With all this said, I release this word into the creative process knowing it is done even as it is spoken. I declare this good, very good and just let it be. And so it is.

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/28/06)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Law of Attraction -- To Give and Receive Love

A request I received and my reply:

"I need prayer to allow myself to be open to give and receive love freely, as I tend to shut down and avoid real loving relationships. I am usually unable to get past the physical (looks mostly) and see the inner beauty of people. I am scared because I don't want to feel hurt or pain, and also because I feel I don't truly love myself as I should."

Thanks for reaching out to help yourself, because when you help your self, you help everyone move towards balance and harmony in the Oneness of Life. Incidentally, what I call "Rule number One is: Take care of yourself!" This implies before taking care of others, that is so you are better able to take care of others.

With this in mind, here's a prayer for you:

Relaxing into this moment, this very moment, I breath in and I breathe out, feeling the natural rhythm that is life in process... Yes, there is a fundamental order here... Yes, I am fully engaged and a part of this fundamental order...

Spirit, God, Creative Intelligence, Creator of all there is permeates this moment, this precious moment and every moment from here to eternity...

And I consciously join myself with this Truth within myself right here and now and what I know in my self, I know with and for You in your self; in this moment we are one with the Creator of all there is... In recognizing this Truth, the wholeness of this moment, I also recognize the creative power of our thought, word and action in the world and carefully and consciously choose them right now to bring forward that which I most desire into manifestation and experience.

I allow myself to be open in giving and receiving love freely and enter the dance without judgment or expectation... I enjoy the dance of life and all the participants around me just as they are and just as I am... This is perfect and I accept the dance and us as beautiful, whole and complete in this moment...

I release my fear of hurt and pain into this creative medium, releasing it as an unnecessary burden and turn my attention to loving myself just as I am: A powerful manifestation of the one Spirit containing and expressing the wonderful qualities of Spirit: Life, Light, Joy, Love, Peace, Beauty and Power. I Love myself just as I am, I Love the world just as it is, I Love the evolving nature of life expressing and join the flow, moving forward on my path, embracing myself, loving myself, even as I accept the world around me as it is in Truth. I accept all my emotions as good, as a part of life, and as fertilizer for my growth and evolution. Yes Spirit, I accept your Light and reflect it back to you in those around me...

In this moment I am so grateful for the energy of Life that fills me. And I release these words into Life, into the Law of Manifestation, knowing they are bottom line true. Yes!

So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

Affirmations for you to use to stay in tune with your/our/the One Spirit: I enjoy the dance of life... I Love myself just as I am... I am a powerful manifestation of the one Spirit... I accept us as beautiful, whole and complete in this moment...

Feel free to ask me any questions that may come up for you.

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/26/06)

Law of Attraction -- Recovery from Stroke

I feel our Oneness with each other in God ...

For Husband and Wife to relax into the arms of Mother/Father God and feel the power and creativity in this warm embrace to bring healing to this (recovery from stroke) and every situation.

I sit, relax, and breathe... slowly, purposefully breathe and relax a little more with each breath... Here I am relaxing into this moment... this moment... this moment... relaxing... breathing...

Affirming there is one Life, one Love, one Breath and that this is my Life, my Love, my Breath because God is all there is, filling all space with Itself and I am here as an emanation, creation, being of God, I relax. Now I feel my oneness with God and our oneness with each other in God. Here there is no separation one from the other; we are one with God held together by divine Love.

With this Love in mind I acknowledge the creative presence of God in each of us now. I call upon this creative presence, this creative essence to come forward and create that which I most desire in this moment through each of us. I claim healing and wholeness and understanding and peace and love as our experience now. I claim this wonderful presence that is with us now is also with each health care provider and family member and that this powerful presence works wonders with each one of us according to our needs in this moment... in this moment... in this moment! Guidance, support, inspiration, love, nurturing, joy, peace, love, beauty, strength, vulnerability, integrity, wisdom, understanding, and all that is needed flows to each, flows through each according to need for a positive outcome of this situation.

I relax into the love of God, accepting, blessing and giving great gratitude for the strength and power that flows through us now. I know in truth all is well and I gratefully hold this thought now and always.

As I release this word into the creative law I know it is done and accept it as such, and so I let it be.

Blessed Are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/27/06)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Courage, Clarity on Moving

I step forward knowing I am guided, supported and nurtured ...

For courage and clarity for You and your family on moving.

The sun is gone and there is a soft covering of gray clouds holding the earth in soft embrace. I breathe in and out in a gentle rhythm as I choose to relax into the softness of this day. I feel safe and secure here, now; relaxing, breathing, accepting peace and tranquility ...

One God, one Creator, one Love, one Life ... All there is comes forward from one source; there is one consistent flow moving out from the beginning, evolving, changing, becoming more what It is in truth, expressing Its inherent perfection in all It creates.

One thought, one me, one constant evolving life filled with the Creator of all there is ... Yes, this is me, one with God, cocreating my life right now ... and this being true for me, it is true for the whole family; each of us, individually and collectively, are one with God and the creative nature of this source of all existence.

Accepting the truth of this realization I speak this word claiming that which I choose to create for me and my family. Clarity is mine now as I see all that needs to be done and move forward easily and naturally to bring this all to pass. I feel the strength of the Creator buoying my courage as I step forward into my fears and doubts knowing that I am guided, supported and nurtured by God each step of the way. And each step is taken easily, naturally, in a healthy positive way, in its own perfect time for the highest good of all concerned.

I am so grateful for the ability I feel within myself to be real in the world and accept this as natural. Yes, I am me and no other! I am grateful for the special talents I bring into my family's life and for the specialness each of them contributes to our common tasks and goals. Thank you Life for so many blessings.

With all this said from deep within my soul, I release these feelings, thoughts and words into the creative process accepting their truth in our life now. And so I let it be and so it is.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/24/06)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Healthy, Whole, Complete Now

I am healthy, whole and complete in truth right now!

Affirming You are healthy, whole and complete now.

Here I sit with the air moving easily in and out of my lungs... Here I sit with the thoughts moving easily in and out of my mind... Here I sit with God filling me with love...

God the creator of all existence; God the intelligence moving all creation in a wonderful dance of life; God the love that holds all together in balance and harmony... God the evolutionary force always moving life forward in a greater realization of its oneness with Itself...

I am one with God, God is one with me, it can be no other way. As I speak my word, I am cocreating my life with God. I am so blessed with this realization I just relax and affirm with God as my witness, as my partner, that which I know in my heart of hearts is true...

I am healthy, whole and complete in truth right now! I move through life as a demonstration of God's goodness and power. I relax into this realization whenever I feel threatened or depressed and am uplifted and nourished by the warm embrace I receive from God within. All physical limitation is an appearance and is not real; I accept it for what it is and move on affirming God's goodness and power as Me. I feel the power of love holding me together just as it does the universe; I relax into this love within me and accept the warmth and acceptance I find right here within myself.

Thank you God within for your constant love and support; I relax now in profound gratitude accepting, cherishing, flowing, evolving with our creativity coursing through my mind, body, emotions bringing to realization my divine goodness, wholeness, completeness now.

With profound acceptance I release this word into the creative process knowing as it is spoken, felt, known by God within, so it is in experience. So I let it be and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/13/06)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Employment and Love Relationship

I am open and ready ...

For You to find employment that uses your special gifts and a love relationship that supports you in your growth.

Relaxing into this beautiful day, I breathe deeply... and let it go easily, gently, fully... I continue breathing, watching my breath... such a gentle rhythm... I feel the air coming in to nourish and support my cells... I feel the air leaving, carrying with it that which no longer serves me... easy, natural, automatic...

I turn my attention toward that which inspires life itself: God. One creator of all that exists; one intelligence in and through all the universe; one love holding all together in balance and harmony. God, one presence sparking creation and filling all space and time with itself flowing ever onward in divine evolution.

I recognize this spark within me right here and now; there is no spot God is not; I open myself to this truth and accept my oneness with God. I, Robert, accept God within me and the creative intelligence that is God as my creative intelligence. Feeling this, knowing this, accepting this, I speak my word claiming that which I seek to bring into my life now.

I am certain that the perfect employment waits for me in the world. I set my intention to find this employment that uses my special gifts in just the perfect way for me to feel fulfilled and supported. I open myself to all avenues to finding this employment, affirming that God within guides me each step of the way. I am open and ready.

I extend my openness to include romance. As I relax into myself I feel a readiness to share my life with a special person that is also ready for romance. I relax and imagine the qualities this person possesses that will complement me and allow us to support one another as we grow and learn through relationship. I love myself and I am ready to share this love with just the right person.

As I reflect on these words and feelings, I feel a certainty and comfort that in truth all is well and is evolving perfectly; for this I am filled with gratitude and say, "Thank you God within for your constant, unfailing support and love!"

I release this word into the law of creation knowing it is true now as I move and grow into its realization in my life.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/22/06)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Healing and Spiritual Community

I consistently turn my awareness to Spirit within as healer ...

For You, the patient, to relax and enjoy yourself as you recover from surgery and prepare to be more active in your spiritual community as strength returns, easily, naturally, in Spirit's own perfect time.

Spirit is all there is. One creative intelligence filling all the universe with itself. One evolving, growing, light-filled expression of love always revealing more of its true, inner self. All existence is one with Spirit; Spirit is the cause of all there is in this universe.

As I sit and relax I feel Spirit within me and I relax more into this feeling. As I let go of attachment to the outer world and its distractions and allow my awareness to focus on this feeling of Spirit within me, I find myself drawn in more deeply to the awareness of Spirit as me. I feel a warm glow here in my center that is nurturing me, supporting me, filling me with confidence and strength and I know, beyond all doubt, that Spirit and I are one.

It is in this conscious state of oneness with Spirit that I choose to speak these words drawing into my experience exactly what it is that I need to heal my body, mind and spirit right now. I relax and let nature heal my wounds easily, naturally, fully, completely as I consistently turn my awareness to Spirit within as healer; I feel the creative power of the universe evolving and growing me right here and now. I accept this healing in Spirit's own time and relax and do my part to nurture and strengthen myself methodically and purposively.

I am drawn to participate in the unfoldment and evolution of my spiritual community and I relax and know deep within that I am a vital part of this unfoldment as I sit here and see it spreading its light far and wide touching those that are drawn to it. I know that as I sit here I contribute my consciousness to the formation of this divine community; I affirm its goodness and inspiration for those that are drawn to participate. I accept my role at this time as holding the high watch and know this is sufficient, at this time, for me to feel the vitalness of my connection with this community.

Whew, do I feel blessed by the power of Spirit in me now. Yes, I am so grateful for this strength and power that fills me to overflowing with gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you Spirit for revealing our connection so clearly and strongly; I am so pleased to accept this healing as my life now.

With all that has been said, felt, understood, I take a deep breath and release this word into the law knowing, accepting, allowing it to be true and manifest now. And so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/21/06)

Law of Attraction -- Great Business and Internal Growth

I am one with the creative process of Life unfolding ...

For You to experience great business and internal growth.

Relaxing, sitting, breathing, feeling the chair beneath me and the air around me, I just sit in quiet release of all that precedes this moment. This very moment that I sit here relaxing into the presence of God within me.

One God, one Presence in and through and around everything in existence. One beginning, one evolutionary process filling all time and space with itself. Everything in God is connected in this wonderful dance that is the universe.

Yes, I am one with this wonderful universe. I am one with God and feel the Presence within me now. It can be no other way, all that I am is God expressing itself in the universe as is everything around me; I am one with the creative process of Life unfolding. I am in truth a creative center within this evolution; I claim this, I accept this, I believe this and I use this connection with God.

I affirm my business is growing just as the universe is evolving. Whenever I need the answer to a question, I take time to stop, look, and listen within to the support of God, the creative intelligence within all things, that comes to me through intuition. I take time each and everyday as a practice to find God within; whether for an hour or a minute; whether in celebration of the goodness of life or to find an answer to a vexing problem, I give myself my time with God within. I accept the growth and change this brings into my life as I follow the path my intentions set before me. I accept this growth as being easy, natural, fulfilling, healthy, positive and for the highest good of all and the harm of none.

I am filled with gratitude as I say these words and feel their impact deep within my mind, deep within this fertile soul of mine. I appreciate the feeling of oneness with the creation and creator of the universe and accept my role willingly and happily, knowing the goodness of God prevails. I accept peace, power and joy into my life now.

With all this said and my feelings in high gear, I just release this word into the creative medium knowing, accepting, believing this is true and manifest now. So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/20/06)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Release Trauma of Life Changes

I find peace of mind right here in this moment ...

For You to have peace of mind and release from anxiety and depression and the trauma of life changes.

I sit myself down and take a moment to shake my hands, head, feet just to release any built up tension in my body ... ahhhh, yes, let it go ... with the tension released I can begin to relax with a big, deep breath ... as I continue breathing I consciously relax my shoulders ... face ... arms ... abdomen ... hips ... legs ... feet ... I feel the floor beneath my feet holding me here on earth ... I relax into the gentle embrace of gravity ... of the earth's love for me ... I breathe ... I relax into this present moment.

This moment contains all the universe. One Life, one God, one evolutionary Presence filling all space and time with Itself. From beginning to end, through all changes, always one, solid foundation and essence: God. Many names, one Truth here now and always. All that exists is a manifestation of God.

I exist, I am a manifestation of God. I am cocreating my life with God. I consciously choose to affirm that which fills my needs at this time to continue on my evolutionary path through this life.

I find my peace of mind right here in this moment as I sit and breathe and turn my attention inward to that place where I and God connect. I do this now and affirm that I can do this any where, any time, by stopping, looking within, as I consciously breathe, and allow this connection to renew itself. From this connection comes just what I need in that moment; what I need may be sleep, wisdom, peace of mind, self-esteem, whatever it is, God knows and supplies it.

I affirm I have the awareness of God's guidance from within and follow this guidance easily and naturally. I affirm that this guidance is for my highest good and the highest good of all involved with my decisions and actions. I am able to relax and move forward easily and directly. If I feel as if I am sinking, this process allows God to buoy me and lift me up; if the unknown scares me, God reminds me that I am able to move through fear and create that which supports my faith in myself, my connection to God, and the life that supports my evolution and fulfillment.

Thank you God within for your constant, consistent, unfailing support. I am grateful, oh so grateful, for the faith, presence and power I feel so strong within me right now; I accept this as the truth now and always. Thank you God for being right here when I most need you.

Filled with love, understanding and relief, I release this word into God's law of creation knowing it is true and manifest in my life now.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/19/06)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Diagnosis of Cancer

Power, presence and compassion surround and fill my friend now ...

For You to have peace of mind, to be able to relax while supporting your friend just diagnosed with cancer and for the friend to find the healing power of Spirit within to guide and support her healing.

Sitting, being, releasing I relax into this moment. I close my eyes and breathe ... slow and long, I breathe ... with each breath, I relax a little more, consciously, with awareness of my body relaxing ... shoulders, face, legs, arms, hands, feet ... all of me is relaxing now ...

My breath is one with the breath of the universe. One Creator, one Spirit, one Love all here now in this very breath. All there is in existence is here in this one breath, the breath of Creator, Spirit, Love, You, Me all exist in Oneness with Creator; it can be no other way, so I just relax into this truth and let it be.

Here I am, immersed in the creation of the universe feeling my connection with Creator and Spirit and the Love that holds us all together. Here I feel the creative power each of us shares with Creator and consciously choose to use it in this prayer treatment.

Being one with Creator I affirm for myself peace of mind as I support my friend as she moves through this time of her life with a diagnosis of cancer. I affirm the presence of Spirit right where she is and right where each of her health care providers are. Spirit guides each individual in their relationship with my friend and only her highest good is served in this process. I affirm that this all proceeds naturally and easily with lots and lots of Love holding all together in equanimity. Balance and harmony within and without prevails as each friend and family member comes forward in support. My friend is constantly buoyed and supported in the ways that serve her and her healing best.

And I gratefully move forward with her and our spiritual allies. I am so grateful for the power, presence and compassion that surrounds and fills my friend now. We are one with Spirit and one with each other.

And so I peacefully release this word into the law knowing it returns fulfilled and manifest now. And so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/18/06)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Heal Self with God and Health Care

I accept the healing of God as my own ...

To support You as you heal yourself with assistance of God and the health care system.

Sitting silent I relax and feel my breath... Gentle rhythm... Relaxing into the silence... Gentle rhythm... Watching the thoughts flow through... Gentle remembering who I am in my heart... God, peace, beauty, joy, love all reside here in my heart... I am this and so much more.

One God, one Life, One unending expression of One Consciousness moving through all space and time spreading Itself equally everywhere throughout the Universe. Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent Presence filling all with Consciousness.

I relax into the embrace of this power, presence, consciousness and feel my oneness with it; these very same qualities in me rejoice in the Oneness we share. I accept my role in this wonderful out picturing of divine consciousness as it pours forth into the universe forever growing and evolving as me. Yes, I am one with the creator and creation of all there is and I relax into this realization and speak my word as cocreator of my life.

Relaxed, open and connected I am filled with God, I allow myself to visualize divine right outcome to all tests and procedures in the hospital. I relax and let God's inspiration and guidance into my awareness and consciousness as well as that of all I come in contact with. I feel this wonderful presence right here and right now and let it expand and grow to fill me to overflowing. I accept the peace of God as my own; I accept the love of God as my own; I accept the healing of God as my own and I just relax into the process knowing each and everyone involved is filled with God's inspiration, love and power.

Grateful for this affirmation of my oneness with the Creator, I say Thank You for being with me so openly and completely. I honor our connection and do my part as you do yours in harmony, balance and cocreation.

Now, I release this word to the Law, knowing it is done even now as it is spoken. So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/17/06)

Law of Attraction -- Divine Love for Mother's Care

I am strengthened to share God's love ...

For Child to experience peace of mind around her mother's hospitalization and for divine love to guide everyone involved with Mother's care.

Sitting, relaxing, breathing, feeling the ground below, the air all around, the heavens above, watching thoughts flow through my mind... I just let it all go and focus my attention and awareness on that which is behind all this stuff; I focus on God, most especially where God and I connect.

One God, one Creator, one Intelligence coming forth from the beginning of time and space... filling all the universe with itself; there is no spot God is not completely present. This Presence fills all time, all space and is right here, right now.

Yes, I feel the presence of God right where I am and affirm this truth for everyone. It can be no other way, God is the creative intelligence active in all life, all existence, and this creative intelligence in me is creating this prayer right now. This is always true, but is most poignant when I place my attention and awareness on this truth. So, with this heightened awareness I choose to speak my word as one with God now.

I relax and accept the peace within my soul that is God's peace. I move forward in life with peace in my heart and I hold my mother in this same peace, the peace of God. I affirm the health care workers all are filled with God's love and express this in their work. I affirm my mother is the recipient of God's love through these divine workers and the love in her responds with joy and grace. All that needs to be done is done, all that needs to be accepted is accepted, all that needs to be healed is healed. God's plan unfolds perfectly in God's own time... all is in divine right order. I constantly return to this place within myself where I recognize my connection with God when I need to feel the peace and love of God within myself and I am always strengthened, guided, sustained and nourished in this moment. I am strengthened to share God's love and peace with those around me.

Thank you God for your constant presence in my life and for being here when I need you most. Thank you for being a constant light for my mother as she lives her life filled with love.

Gratefully I release this word to the Law knowing it is returned full and overflowing with love, peace and healing. So it is and so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/16/06)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Equal Divine Presence in All

I affirm the equal presence of the Divine in all ...

For You to hold Friend or Relative in Divine perfection as they heal from unbelievable suffering.

In the Divine's Mind all time is one; so as I sit here now in contemplation of healing from unbelievable suffering, I know time and space are transcended and we exist together in the Divine Now.

All my attention is placed on the presence of the Divine in all things, all people and most especially in the healing of my friends and relatives from unbelievable suffering. I join each in Mind as we call on the Divine in each of us to come forward with gifts of forgiveness, understanding, clarity, strength, peace, joy and all the qualities of a happy life. I speak this word in the first person for each of us in the Divine oneness of life.

Here and Now I affirm the equal presence of the Divine in all existence. Here and Now I affirm the presence of the Divine in me. Here and Now I affirm my openness and willingness to call upon the Divine to heal the wounds I have accepted into my experience so that I may witness and experience the Divine perfection that is untouched in my heart.

I open my eyes and I see the Divine in all that passes before me. I open my ears and hear the Divine in each sound. I open my mouth and taste the Divine in all I eat and drink. I reach out my hand and foot and feel the Divine in all I touch. I open my nose and smell the Divine in the air around me. I open my mind and am immersed in Divine Mind.

I am totally present in this moment now. I am so grateful for all the gifts that arise naturally to my awareness in this moment. I sit still and receive that which is my true inheritance as the child of the most high. I accept my specialness and uniqueness and the gift of Life I receive so easily and gratefully now. I accept myself as a healing presence in the larger scheme of Life unfolding. I am well pleased to be me and welcome the opportunity to grow into my inborn potential and to bring peace, understanding, clarity, strength and joy into every situation. I accept my wholeness, my holiness as I accept the same for all around me. I am one with Life, I am one with the Divine.

Reluctant as I am to leave this quiet, safe place communing with the Divine in prayer, I return now to my daily life knowing that the Divine is always with me. I know I need only to pause ... breathe deep ... and feel the Presence within my heart to bring to mind all the gifts I experience here. With these gifts in mind, I am happy, strong, clear and peaceful.

Thank you Divine Intelligence for guiding me on my way. I release these words into your presence knowing they are always with me, now and forevermore, bringing positive results into my life and experience.

And so I let it be.


(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/7/00)

Law of Attraction -- Release and Open

I claim my ability to cocreate my life ...

For You to release negative thinking, resistance to change, becoming open to receiving and giving.

Here in the light of day life flows smoothly along. The rain comes down, the ground soaks it up, all living things adapt to this change in weather naturally ... I take this time to relax, to breathe, to contemplate change ... Breathing in ... breathing out ... A gentle rhythm of life ... Yes, I am one with life ...

One life, one love, one divine outpouring of creation from one source, one beginning ... One creator pouring itself forth into one universe filled with itself in all complexity and consciousness. The gentle rhythm of my breath connects me to this source of all existence and I follow this thought into my center, into my connection with source ...

Here I claim my ability to cocreate my life with the creator of this universe because in truth I am an aspect of this very same creator! I move forward claiming that which I most desire in my life now. I claim a positive, forward thinking, openness to the changes that life brings. I claim by inborn ability to evolve and grow even as my children do the same. This is a wonderful process we are integral to and I relax into it affirming the goodness that is inherent in giving and receiving, growing and releasing, opening and closing, breathing in and breathing out ... all the gentle rhythms of life ...

Yes creator of all life, birther of the universe, inborn guide to all that moves and grows and changes and becomes more of its true self in this world, I am one with you and you one with me. I accept this and move forward with you in divine trust and faith in the goodness we create together.

Thank you for this inspiration. Thank you for being here with me always. Thank you for answering when I ask.

In this moment of revelation and acceptance I release this word into the law of creation in the one mind, knowing and accepting the manifestation I seek is here now and always.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/14/06)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Easy Flow of Abundance

I follow my heart and am rewarded ...

For You to open your heart and participate in the flow of abundance easily and naturally with a peaceful mind, and a happy family.

As I relax into this gray afternoon, I take this time to check in with the divine in my life. I breathe deeply and settle into my chair. I breathe deeply and relax my body and turn my thoughts inward, toward Spirit's home in my heart. I breathe deeply and open my mind and my inner ear to hear Spirit's counsel in this time of reflection ...

There is one life, one creative power, one evolving consciousness everywhere equally present in existence. I take this time to join with this consciousness in peace, quiet and reflection. Now I feel, know and express this consciousness spontaneously from my heart; from that place in me that touches the universal with compassion, empathy and openness. I know the words that come to me are inspired by the deep love of the creative intelligence for me and by my deep love for this source of all existence. So I relax into this moment and let the words flow forth as causative seeds to create the ideal life for me and my family.

Spirit is my source; all I need is supplied me. I open myself to receive this abundance easily and naturally from my being me in the world. I know I am a bright, active person in my community and my family. I naturally draw to me those opportunities and tasks that fulfill my needs, my family's needs and my community's needs; for this I am amply rewarded. I include my ex-spouse in my thoughts and prayers, knowing they are a divine manifestation of Spirit and are included in this circle of abundance, of contribution and reception. I feel the presence of the love that brought us together even as it has transmuted into something new and bless it as such. I affirm this love is a vital part of our abundance and bless it for exactly what it is. I easily and naturally turn my attention to my work as a business person knowing I am doing the right thing. In this surety I find comfort, strength and inspiration. I follow my heart and I am rewarded emotionally, spiritually, financially.

Grateful for the flow of Spirit through me now, I say Thank You Life Divine. And I release these words, these thoughts, these visions into your creative process knowing they are true and manifest even before they are spoken. I move into their fulfillment with peaceful purpose now and always. And so I let Life be perfect and free.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/10/00)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Work you Love and Security

I am able to perceive and respond easily and naturally ...

For You to find work you love and financial security.

Relaxing into this winter morning I breathe in ... and let it go ... again ... and again ... I relax into this gentle rhythm ...

One God, One Life, One Creative Intelligence in and through all that exists. All comes forward from one beginning to expand and evolve in time and space; all is connected to the Source and Creator now and always. Love is the divine energy holding all, connecting all as the divine line of communication.

Embraced by Love, filled with the One Intelligence, I am one with God. I am an active cocreator of my life and experience here on Earth. I feel it, I see it, I am it. In this moment I feel the power of creation within my self and choose to use it to bring to me that which I most need and desire.

I speak my word from this place of creation to bring into my life financial security through work I love. I open myself to discover the gift I am here to share and I give of this gift freely and easily and accept abundance in return. I feel good, whole and complete as I move in the world with God as my inspiration and ally. I realize this connection I feel within me is true for everyone whether they realize it or not; so, I approach everyone as the divine being they are and find acceptance and love in their hearts. From my movement in the world I find just what it is I am looking for and this is good, very very good. I am able to perceive and respond easily and naturally, using my excitement and joy as the energy I need to manifest just what I need and desire as I share my true self and potential with the world.

I am so grateful for the power and grace I feel within myself now. I move forward with an attitude of gratitude for the universal energy that fills me now and I say thank you to each and every ally, visible and invisible, that guides, sustains and nourishes me on my way.

With peace in my heart and love in my mind, I release this word to the law of creation that always says yes. I know it is done as it is spoken, so I let it be, and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/11/06)

Monday, January 08, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Accidental Death of Pet

I affirm that Love holds all creation together ...

For You to understand the vital role You play in the divine unfoldment of life, and the unexpected lessons it brings us as we move on the spiritual path.

Time heals all wounds is an old saying that comes to mind as I sit in contemplation of the accidental death of a dog in a collision with your car. Time is a human construct to make sense out of a world that is essentially non linear. As I sit in contemplation I enter a larger reality that is non linear and wholistic in form. All space and time is one whole with no division. The Love that is expressing as this dog is a very vital part of this wholeness. The Love this dog brought to its family is still a very real part of this wholeness. The love that is this dog can never die, it is transformed into a different energy a different connection that is no less dear and important.

As I sit in contemplation of this event and these assertions I let my thinking mind go and enter the mystery without thought. I simply sit and watch my breath. I affirm the oneness of all existence. I affirm the one source of all that exists. I affirm that love that holds all creation together. I affirm the interconnectedness of all that exists now and always. I focus on the light that rises in my awareness. I focus on the compassion I feel in my heart. I focus on the immense love that wells up spontaneously for myself and all creation. I focus on the stillness behind the love ...

Beyond the loss and grief of this cathartic event I sense a divine order and purpose to all that happens in my life, in my community, in my world. Behind the inexplicable event I find a peace, a stillness, a profound love that fills my mind and displaces the feeling of tragedy.

I am filled with a profound gratitude for being put in touch with the deep love I find within myself when I sit in contemplation of the unthinkable. As I release my fear, my loved ones are more dear, the role I play is more clear. I bless the life of the dog that collided with my car; I am filled with gratitude for the gift I receive in contemplation of this event and know and affirm that it is bringing good into the world in ways both known and unknown to me now.

Thank you Spirit for your divine intervention in this tough lesson. I accept it and learn from it even as I release these words into your flow of evolutionary change.

And so it is. Amen

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/9/00)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Law of Attraction -- for World to have Peace

As I heal myself I heal the world ...

For the entire world to have Peace.

Sitting here in the light of day, I relax. Sitting here in the light of day, I breathe. Sitting here in the light of day, I think. Sitting here in the light of day, I contemplate the state of the world. Sitting here in the light of day, I relax, I breathe, I think, I contemplate the state of the world and wonder what happens when Peace prevails on Earth. Now I just let it all go and turn my attention to the Creator of the Universe.

One Creator, one Universe, one Process creating all that exists. Creative intelligence moves equally through all that is created, all that exists is from one Source. One Consciousness fills all the Universe with Itself.

I relax into this idea and look within myself for my connection with this single Consciousness. I relax and breathe and let the thoughts flow through my mind without holding on to them or following them; I sit with one goal, to feel my connection with the One. Breathing, relaxing, breathing, relaxing ... In this gentle rhythm I feel my limits expanding ... As I look within I feel an expansion of space and time ... I feel I am part of something bigger than myself alone ... I relax into this feeling ... I sense a movement within my awareness and consciousness of this situation to accept my connection with the Creator ... Yes, I am an active, thinking, feeling, conscious aspect of the Creator of all that exists ... I am cocreating my experiences here on Earth at this time ... Amazing! ...

In this place of realization of my oneness with the Creator, I consciously choose to claim my greatest good right here and now. I see a world at Peace. A world filled with individual aspects of the one Creator interacting in harmony and balance. Each aspect has a role to play in this divine outpicturing of the Peace I find in my center, in my connection with the Creator. Yes, I claim my own role in this divine dance as a Peacemaker. I find this Peace within myself and share it with the world easily and gently, totally and fully, with passion and love for all existence. Everywhere I look I see the Creator looking back at me affirming the goodness and Peace I bring to the world by being me. I move forward affirming that Peace is the truth at the heart of all dysfunction and as I heal myself I heal the world.

Yes, I heal the world and bring Peace to the forefront. For this I am grateful and affirm there are many others like myself bringing Peace into the world consciously by being their true selves. Thank you Creator for being with us always with wisdom and clarity. I relax into your evolving embrace and am empowered and emboldened to be myself.

Now, I release this word to the creative law of the universe that always says yes, and let Peace unfold for all. And so I let it be.

Blessed Are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/9/06)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Get in touch with Intuition

Yes, I am able to trust my intuition ...

For You to get in touch with your center as you move forward in your life freely, easily, gently, with clear intent as a loving presence.

Sitting, releasing, letting go... Gently and easily the breath flows in and out... Gently and easily the thoughts flow through... Gently and easily my attention turns within... Gently and easily I relax into this moment, just this moment...

One moment filled with God... One moment filled with Love... One moment filled with my self... One moment filled with myself and God...

God, the originator of the universe... God the Intelligence within all things... God the evolutionary force growing the universe even as it grows each of us as individuals... God is all there is, in Truth... I consciously relax into this truth, allowing my conscious and subconscious mind to merge with all consciousness in God.

One pointed and present in this moment, I acknowledge my oneness with God, with Love, with my Self and the creative potential this moment contains. I choose to consciously use my initiative to call forward into my life experiences I desire.

I relax into my center releasing all confusion and impatience as I breathe into my connection with God; here in my center, the center of my being. Here I watch, I listen: I receive guidance, I receive clarity, I receive a feeling of being nurtured and supported by the love of God -- I accept. I release and let go of all that has gone before and open myself to love. Yes, I am ready to fall in love. Yes, I am able to trust my intuition. Yes, I am able to be in the moment without a specific result in mind. Yes, I release fear, doubt and judgment. Yes, I stay in integrity, openness and connection with God. I step into the unknown and let my life evolve one step at a time.

I return to this center easily and naturally whenever I stop, breathe, look within and observe and move through the thoughts and feelings to this place of oneness with God -- this place of neutrality where all becomes clear. Here I see with God's eyes the bigger picture and know the truth for my self and act from this place of knowing, feeling, understanding easily, naturally, in a relaxed and positive way, for the highest good of all concerned.

I am so grateful for this profound connection with God -- with my self -- I relax with a sense of well being and oneness with all around me. Thank you.

Wow! I just release this word into the law that always says Yes. And just let it be, and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/8/06)

Law of Attraction -- Affirm Best for Friends and Family

I am grateful Spirit is active in our lives ...

For You to experience peace of mind and the presence of Spirit in your life as you affirm the best for friends or family.

Relaxing into this present moment I let go with a sigh ... allowing my shoulders to fall as I breathe deeply ... I relax another part of my body with each breath ... I sit and experience the moment, this moment ... I feel a certain beauty in the stillness of this moment, in the stillness within me as I just watch myself sit and breathe, no more, no less, this moment is all there is ...

One special moment filled with Spirit, the Creator of all existence, of all the Universe. Spirit, ineffable, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, creative goodness is completely and totally present here, now.

I relax into this Truth and feel my oneness with Spirit; I feel the power and creativity within me, and as I know this is true for me I affirm its truth for each of us, including my family and/or friends. As each one of us is an individual manifestation of the creator of all that exists, each of us contain the power and presence to cocreate in our lives that which we most desire; we do this in concert with Spirit.

With this thought in mind I consciously choose to speak my word from this central truth within me for the welfare and happiness of each of you as you move and live in the world. I relax into an inner peace as I affirm only the best for each of them. I allow us all to live our lives in an easy, relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, for the highest good of all concerned.

I am so grateful to be aligned with Spirit now and always. I am grateful that Spirit is active in each of our lives, guiding, nourishing, sustaining us through good times and hard times. Thank you Spirit!

I release this word into the law of mind, knowing all that is said is true and manifest now; and so I just let it be, and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/6/06)

Law of Attraction -- Child's Health Challenge

I am grateful for the power of Spirit within ...

For Parents to relax into oneness with Spirit and feel the power and goodness there to bring peace, love and action in dealing with their child's health challenge.

Yes, there is a darkness present in my mind as I sit and think about this situation. I see this, I feel this, I express this ... Now I breathe deeply, again and again ... relaxing a little more with each breath ... I breathe in love and exhale darkness ... I breathe in light and exhale darkness ... I breathe in peace and exhale darkness ... I breathe in health and exhale darkness ... I breathe in power and exhale darkness ... In this way I bring myself into this present moment, a moment filled with love and light and peace and health and power and so much more ...

This moment is filled with Spirit, one whole, complete and perfect Spirit that moves forth from the beginning of time and space and fills all the universe with Itself. There is no time or place that Spirit is not totally and completely present in all its perfection.

Realizing this truth I accept my Oneness with Spirit. I accept the perfection of Spirit deep within my very being. I accept my ability to cocreate my life with this unlimited source of power, health, peace, light and love. I consciously choose to do so now.

With our child in mind and all involved in their well being I claim a smooth, easy and direct process in returning them to vibrant, active, happy activity in the world. I know the power and illumination of Spirit is with them now, filling them with the energy to move through this time easily and quickly. I know the power and illumination of Spirit is with each health care provider, guiding and moving them forward to do their part in this healing. I know and affirm the power and illumination of Spirit is with us now and always, guiding, sustaining and nurturing us as we do our part in this process.

I am grateful for the power of Spirit within to turn darkness into light, illness into health and bring joy, beauty and life to us all. Thank you Spirit for always being right here when I need you.

I release this word into the law accepting it as done and manifest in the world now! And so I let it be, and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/7/06)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Liver Transplant

I hold in Mind a vision of perfection ...

For Recipient, Family and Friends to keep that bright outlook and positive attitude that allows for marvelous results as a new liver is introduced to their body and the new life that comes with it. Here is a prayer for Health, Happiness and Wholeness.

As I sit here in the evening light my thoughts drift and I find myself thinking about what's right. I feel the urge within me to say a few words in support of the Recipient, Family and Friends, as they face the unknown.

Peacefully I sit in the present moment. Peacefully I breathe in and out. Peacefully I contemplate the meaning of this moment. Peacefully I turn my thoughts to the healing power I know is present here and everywhere at any and all times. Peacefully I breathe in this truth and breathe out any doubts or fears that get in the way of feeling peaceful in the knowledge of the healing presence of the universal intelligence.

Peaceful, centered, present, I relax and choose to speak my word affirming this presence right here where I am and right there where the Recipient is. I know, affirm and accept the Oneness of life we all share. I know my words, thoughts and feelings are causative and effective in all the world around me. So, I stop right here and now to focus this creative process on the situation at hand. I know there is one life, Nature's life. The Recipient's life is part of this larger Life as is my life. I know in this larger view we are one and what I claim and say for myself in the first person is also for the Recipient and those around them.

I relax into the natural presence of life unfolding that is everywhere present on this planet. I think of the Recipient and see them immersed in this presence, and their family immersed in this presence, and their friends and acquaintances immersed in this presence, and their health care providers immersed in this presence ... I know each and everyone holds only thoughts of balance, goodness, health and wholeness for the Recipient in this community of support.

I voice these words from this presence of Love and know that all is well here and now. I hold in Mind a vision of the perfection that is the truth beyond all appearances and know that this realization is what we are all moving toward. Movement and change is constant and this situation is no exception; the movement and change is positive, enlightening and healing for all involved. I hold this vision firmly in mind now and allow this feeling, knowing, seeing to unfold in Nature's own way in space and time.

I am grateful for the wholeness I am a part of now in this community of Love, Respect and Goodness. I am grateful for the Donor and all who work together to manifest this miracle of Life. Thank you Spirit for your many gifts and miracles. I accept your perfect unfoldment in this situation.

And I release these words into your process, knowing they are true and manifest even as they are voiced.

So it is! Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/8/00)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Law of Attraction -- Year of Love, Light, Peace

This is a year of universal love, light and peace ...

To bless and honor the turning of the year with intention and conviction for and about the goodness that it brings to me and to the world.

Breathing in, breathing out, I relax into this time and place, again and again I breathe as I straighten my spine, place my feet on the floor, hold my neck straight and let go of tension in my body and mind. Here I am, ready to give my attention to Spirit within and to receive that which I seek.

One Spirit, one God, one Creator equally present throughout the universe, informing all that exists with its essence, springing forth into form in the diversity we witness as nature, the natural outpouring of creativity of this intelligence at the heart of all that exists.

I look into my heart, I find Spirit there, expressing itself as me; I relax into this witnessing and choose to consciously speak my word, creating that which I most desire to experience, and manifest in my life as this year turns over in the annals of time.

I claim this to be a year of ease and comfort as I strengthen my connection with creator within and allow good health and inspiration to flow through me easily and naturally.

I claim this to be a year of joy and celebration with family and friends as we connect through our hearts and find our true, mutual strengths through these connections.

I claim this to be a year of financial prosperity as all the seeds that have been planted in previous years grow and mature and bear fruit. I harvest these fruits happily even as I plant more seeds.

I claim this to be a year of peace for the world as I find peace within myself as I set clear, achievable objectives and stay in the present moment as I move forward one step at a time carefully keeping my balance between world and spirit, work and play, planting and harvesting.

I claim this to be a year of understanding and compassion within each heart that beats in this world and that love replaces hate as the people all over the world discover that loving their neighbor is more productive and safer than hating them.

With love, light and peace in my heart I release this word into the law that always says yes, yes, yes to honest, heartfelt declarations of good for self and others, because in truth we are all one with each other and Creator.

And so I joyfully let it be now and forever more; and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Originally published on SharePrayer 1/7/07)