Law of Attraction -- Finances, Health, Potential
I take time each day to think of God ...
For You to relax into God's presence and feel safe while working with God's helpers to achieve financial security, good health and fulfillment of potential.
Sitting in the morning light I breathe in ... and let it go with a sigh ... continuing to watch my breath, I relax into the light that is all around me ... I close my eyes, turning my attention within ... the light comes with me ... I am filled with light ... I relax into this light, turning my attention toward the source of It ...
With my attention placed on the source of light, I relax and affirm that there is one power, one presence, one intelligence creating all that exists. I know in this moment that all is connected to this central point of origination, symbolized here by the light my attention is on. I relax into this power, presence, intelligence and open my heart and mind to its guidance. I know I am one with God in this moment and I know this moment is eternal and infinite in scope. God is all there is, in truth, and I am one with the reality of this, with the thought of this, with the image of this. There is no spot God is not, now or ever.
Using this state of illumination I speak my word into the creative light of God, claiming that which I see in my life now. I am willing and able to enter into the flow of God's abundance with the help of financial experts and others. I know the guidance I receive from those around me is God in action. I take time each day to return to this state of peace establishing in consciousness my constant connection to God. I allow my intuitive connection with the source to open me and guide me on my path through life. I accept good health. I follow the steps to fulfillment of my potential easily and naturally. I am safe, secure and happy.
Thank you light within for showing me the way. Thank you for holding me in your radiance and warmth and keeping me safe. Thank you for guiding me on my path through life. I accept my oneness with you and your oneness with me and all that exists. Everywhere I look I see God looking back at me. For this I am eternally grateful.
With a clear heart and open mind I release these words into the flow of light, knowing they are true even as they are conceived, and so I let them be.
(Originally published on SharePrayer 2/7/00)
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