Law of Attraction -- Clear Guidance
I am guided, supported and nurtured ...
For me to receive clearly the guidance of Spirit so that I act in harmony with this guidance and move forward on my path of evolution easily, naturally, freely, abundantly ...
Yes, I am one with the evolutionary process of the Universe. There is one power, one presence, one forward moving, ever expanding action from the beginning of time and space that moves all things further and further into itself. We call this creative process by many names, God, the Thing Itself, the Creator, Allah, Jehovah, Nature ... But it is one and the same regardless of name; in truth it is nameless. It creates all that exists out of itself and is in everything that exists, totally and completely.
I take this time to find Spirit within me right now in all its power, all its love, all its peaceful presence ... As I find it here in my body, in the gentle rhythm of my breath and the constant beating of my heart, I relax and and am one with Spirit. As I find this truth in myself I find it is true for everyone else, for we all touch the center of Creation from which we all come. Here in the center is where it all starts, this is the constant beginning of creation, of the flow of life, of the expression of Spirit through individuality.
Realizing this truth I understand my words, thoughts and actions are an active part of this process in the world; I am a self-conscious co-creator of all I find in my life with Spirit, now and always.
Taking this understanding to heart I carefully, consciously choose my words with the clear intention to bring clarity to my life, to my participation in this process, for my highest good and therefore the highest good of my community. I open myself totally, completely, without reservation to the guidance of Spirit from deep within and act in harmony with this guidance swiftly with faith believing. I affirm a positive outcome with benefit for all and harm to none.
I affirm the consistent flow of material, emotional and spiritual support to me and through me as I move forward on my path. I know this comes to me easily and naturally through my being in the world. Spirit supports me in being open, active and responsive as I work in harmony with Spirit.
Yes, I am so grateful knowing I am guided, supported and nurtured on my evolutionary path by the creative intelligence of the universal mind. Thank you One and All.
Now I just release these creative, causative words into the process of evolution knowing, believing accepting their truth now.
And so I let it Be, and so it Is ...
(Originally published on SharePrayer 5/10/04)
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