Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Law of Attraction -- Victims

I focus on peace, security and well-being for everyone ...

For "victims" to find a sense of peace, security and well-being within the heart of the Universal Intelligence within themselves.

As I sit here this morning with images of burning buildings, human terror, pain and suffering filling my mind, I relax and focus on images of people filled with compassion and urgency rushing to the aid of those victimized. With a sense of compassion, concern, caring and healing I reach out with my thought to touch each and everyone ...

And now I relax into the gentle rhythm of my breath ... I feel the steady beat of my heart ... I relax into the sound of traffic passing by ... the sound of the birds, the wind, the sunlight ... And I know in this moment that there is one Intelligence, one consciousness, one creative power creating this world and everything and everyone in it. I am one with this universal creative power by virtue of my being, as is everything and everyone else in this universe. I take this time to dwell on this truth and feel what that means ...

I know as I focus on peace, security and well-being for myself that I create a ripple that moves out from where I am that immediately reaches out and is available everywhere in this creation. As I affirm this fact over and over again, I know it has a creative and causative effect in the world, and I do so now and always. With each breath I take in a quality of Spirit and release it into the world for the benefit of all:

I breathe in Love and exhale Love ...

I breathe in Compassion and exhale Compassion ...

I breathe in Peace and exhale Peace ...

I breathe in Wholeness and exhale Wholeness ...

I breathe in Health and exhale Health ...

I breathe in Light and exhale Light ...

I breathe in Wisdom and exhale Wisdom ...

I breathe in Spirit and exhale Spirit ...

I wrap myself in the healing power of these words, in the healing power of these thoughts, in the healing power of these feelings and see them reaching far and wide, joining the words, thoughts, feelings of many others and know they are moving to and are received by those that need them the most as they transition from this world, as they heal from their wounds, as they grieve for their loved ones and as they nurse their loved ones back to health.

I acknowledge the fear war brings to everyone and move in consciousness to the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I reach out with Love, Compassion and Understanding to all peoples of the world, because in truth we are one. War at any level is destructive of this whole, so I learn to view the world as one family, my family. In this oneness a realization of love, trust and acceptance is the only true antidote to war. We always help one another in time of need and learn that healthy competition is between equals; we build a strong healthy world working together, not separately; we build a strong healthy world by owning our oneness and using our unique strengths to help one another.

With sadness in my heart for all those hurt by war, I accept the power of Spirit to make all things come out right in the end, though I know not how. I gratefully add my thought, word, feeling of peace, security and well-being to the wonderful compassionate outpouring I feel going to the victims of war everywhere in the world and am thankful for my relationship with Spirit. I allow this relationship to support, nurture and guide me as I go through this day, and everyday.

And so I release this thought, word, feeling into the creative law of Spirit, knowing It is true and manifest now. And so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(Originally published on SharePrayer 9/11/01)


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