Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Law of Attraction -- Spirit is in Change

I move forward with hosannas and hurrahs ... Yes!

For You to know Spirit is constantly and consistently at work in your life, your loved one's life and the lives of all connected with you as once again the wheel turns and change is at hand.

Life, in all its wonder, unfolds at a maddening pace as we get caught up in the act of living. So, for this time, I choose to sit quietly and watch my breath ... letting go of all else in the world and in my mind ... I allow the peaceful presence of Spirit to come fully into my awareness ... How easy it is to relax my shoulders as my breath lifts my chest ... how easy it is to feel gravity holding me in my place ... how easy it is to accept that powerful presence of Oneness as I allow even these words to flow through me, holding on to nothing.

How nice a thought: Nothing, Zero, Oneness. Oneness with all around me, with all Creation ... Peace ... Stillness ... Now, I watch this void fill with the Power of Spirit expressing itself in myriad forms. I know that all existence is Spirit expressing itself and this is what I sense in this quiet moment ... I am a witness to my Life unfolding and it is truly beautiful ... And I clearly see how each person I know plays a significant role in my life ... Everywhere I look I see Spirit ... I feel Spirit at work in this arena I experience as my life ... This is good, very good!

As each of my old worries attempts to intrude on this picture I just say OK! Go for it! And watch them disappear into Spirit's waiting arms, never to be seen again as debilitating distractions. I accept the power of Spirit working through me to guide me to the expression of my true purpose now. I am grateful for the clarity and courage I feel spontaneously expressing as me now.

I move forward with hosannas and hurrahs for I know all is well with me and my world. Spirit makes it so. And so it is.


(First published on SharePrayer 9/19/97)


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