Law of Attraction -- Connection and Order in Your Life

I relax and open to inspiration ...
To help see and create life experience as divine right order; work, study, parenthood and personal relationship so all flow together in divine unity bringing deeper joy, connection to spirit and satisfaction of service to others.
As I sit in this chair with the cat sleeping on my lap and Anne of Green Gables chattering away in the other room, I breathe deeply, close my eyes and relax into this moment. Leaving behind the external stimulus, I turn my attention to my inner life. I notice each thought as it arises and then let it go. I relax some more and watch my breathing and feel my heart beating. Gradually I move beyond this into my heart space and through that into the heart of the universe. Here I am free of earthly restrictions and I feel my connection with all the universe. Here I know, feel and am one with Spirit.
All the universe is connected and maintains a divine right order. In this moment I am consciously aware of my place in this wholeness and I am at peace. I feel the power of spirit flowing through me, my family, my community and all the world right now. I feel good knowing that I am an integral part of the wholeness of creation. I see the importance of each one in making up the whole; I feel the importance of each event in the unfolding evolution of life on earth; I know that everyone has spirit within to guide them in their role in evolution.
I am relaxed and open to inspiration on how to bring my earthly affairs into their right order. My work is pleasant and fulfilling; it brings me the abundance I need to easily and fully nurture my family. My studies further me on my path. My partner and I feel the power of spirit within our individual selves and are moved in our separate ways to stand strong together in relationship, to support one another and the family. All this is natural and easy in its manifestation.
I am moved by the love that holds the universe together in divine harmony. I am so grateful for this connection to spirit I feel right now; I know this is the truth now and always. My gratitude is fueled by a joy deeper than I thought possible and I relax and let it flow through me. Thank you Spirit for marching with me one step at a time as I pull my life into divine right order. I know I am an integral part of my community and do my part in pulling us all together in service to the wholeness of life. I accept myself as I am in this holy moment and move on, one with spirit.
As it is spoken, I let it be so now and forevermore and release these words into spirit's flow knowing they are true and manifest even before being spoken. So it is and so I let it be.
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