Law of Attraction -- Create Balance in Spite of War...

I radiate peace to all that have ever lived ...
In memory of Nagasaki, Hiroshima and the victims of terrorism/war, past and present.
As I sit to write this prayer, I am moved by the memory of the horrors of war and the horrors of terrorist attacks at home and abroad. In Religious Science we learn there are no victims and we also learn that we are all one, indivisible creation. With this memory and seemingly contradictory statement in mind, how do we reconcile the devastation that war creates into peace?
Sit. Sit silently. Sit silently in the chair. Sit silently in the chair and feel the earth beneath you. Sit silently in the chair feeling the earth beneath you and breathe. Sit silently in the chair feeling the earth beneath you while breathing and place your trust in god.
God the Intelligence that creates all there is and holds it all together with love. Place your trust in the inborn presence of the intelligence creating the universe that lives in you. Place your trust in that inborn ability in you to follow the path laid before you by this intelligence. Place your trust in that inborn desire to act in those ways that add to the realization, preservation and vitalization of the natural world around you. Place your trust in the ineffable ability of this intelligence to inform you totally and completely of that which is life affirming and that which is life denying. Place your trust in the urge to follow this path to your highest potential that god lays out for you.
Faith guides you on this path to the realization of your highest good in this life, in this body, in this time. Faith in your goodness, as you move unerringly down this path, brings a wonderful reward. This reward is the realization that if I can do this, everyone can do this. I realize I am an example for all those around me. I realize that faith and trust bring me peace. I realize that when I am peaceful I cannot do war anymore. I realize when I am peaceful my neighbor has no reason to do war anymore. I realize I have the opportunity to teach peace wherever I go.
I remember the horror and I am moved to say that I am a peaceful person, living in a peaceful world; I am a peaceful person and I bring peace to the world around me; I sit in the silence and radiate peace. I radiate peace to all around me. I radiate peace out from where I sit in a wonderful spiral. I radiate peace from where I sit into space and time. I radiate peace to all that live now and all that have ever lived. I radiate peace to all those people around the world that have been touched by terrorism and war.
In this moment I know we have all been touched by this horror. I breathe it in, and I breathe it out. I breathe in peace and I breathe it out. I replace the horror with peace. I do this for myself ... I do this for each and everyone ...
I feel a great sadness in this moment, but the heaviness is lifting. In truth I am grateful for the principles that allow me to take a great horror, become one with it, and then replace it with peace, now, for all involved. I am thankful for all that join with me in this prayer and find their own peace. Thank you people. Thank you god. Thank you nature.
We are one now and always. And so it is and so I let it be.
Blessed are silent activists for they heal the earth and the people.
Blessed Be
(From my archives; first published December 7, 2000)
Thanks ibloggin, I do my best to share what is in my heart.
And, askinstoo, surfing blogs and leaving money making messages, check out The Balance Company for a great opportunity with a spiritual base
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