Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You Veterans

I appreciate and say thank you to our veterans ...

To express gratitude for the power of Spirit manifesting good in my life.

Here I sit with sunshine streaming through the window... and thoughts streaming through my mind ... war, civil liberties, family... I breathe deeply and let it go ... I breathe deeply and let the thoughts go ... I breathe deeply and accept the inspiration of Spirit into the stream of consciousness ... I breathe deeply and relax into the flow ... I breathe deeply again and again ...

Settling into this gentle rhythm ... I allow the words to come easily and naturally ...

There is one power, one presence, one creative force in this universe; I feel it in me now, I see it all around me now. The intelligence behind the breath, the force behind the sunlight, the source of consciousness is that which we call by many names: God, Great Spirit, the Thing Itself, Allah, Jehovah, Nature ...

I take this time now to tune into this Intelligence as it manifests in me, as me now. I know I am one with this Source now and always, and that my life flows forward with It as my guide. I take this time to listen to Its special message for me, now. And as I transcribe this message, I know it is for each of us in the Oneness of life, of creation, of being that we share.

I accept this inspiration as Spirit's gift today. I accept the power it brings into my life to face the demons that arise to block my way. I accept the power of Love to move us through all obstacles to our birthright of peace, joy, beauty, power. I accept the natural abundance of Spirit into my life now and always, in all forms: material, spiritual, emotional.

I give thanks for the gift of human life. I give thanks for the gift of consciousness. I give thanks for the ability to be self conscious. I give thanks for the ability to cocreate my life with Spirit. I give thanks for the people and beings around me that are active in my life. I give thanks for my emotions and feelings that enrich my life. I give thanks for the beauty I find in myself and all around me. I give thanks for those that have gone before leaving their gifts of love for us. I give thanks for knowing the unstoppable power of love to heal all things and bring us into divine harmony when all is said and done.

Today I give special thanks to all those that serve and have served in the Armed Forces, putting themselves in harm's way, in faith believing, to preserve for us all that I am thankful for today.

As I release these words, these thoughts, these feelings into the creative process, into the flow of life, into the outpicturing from the source, I take special care to honor myself and my loved ones for perseverance in pursuing the goal of happiness, for in truth we are one and reach the goal together. And so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which YOU most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

First published on SharePrayer 11/22/01

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Saturday, August 08, 2009

From Peace Within I Attract Love

I relax into the place of Peace within ...

For Me to live from that place of Peace within and naturally harmonize with all I am in relationship with; and from this groundedness to find (create) a loving and healthy and fulfilling love relationship.

Sitting here in the afternoon with the music playing, the kitchen cooking and the sun shining brightly, I breathe deeply and relax ... I take my attention from the external and consciously place it within ... Life goes on around me as I take this time to look within ... I breathe deeply and regularly and watch this process as I ask, "Where is the place of Peace within me?" ...

I take the time to let the thoughts flow ... I watch them all and grasp none ... yes, that is the way it appears ... I let go of all preconceived ideas and ask Spirit to connect me to my place of Peace ... I take all the time I need ... When my thoughts wander I return to the question, "Where is the place of Peace within me?" ...

My thoughts slow down ... I see a bright white light ... It fills my vision, I hear silence, I feel calm ... I am alone and safe in my place of peace ... I breathe deeply and let it go with a sigh ... I am immersed in my peaceful place ... one by one I admit those I am in relationship with into my awareness and imagine us moving together to the music that fills my mind ... we are in harmony, smiling, enjoying this moment of peace and action ... Yes, I live my life like this from this moment on ... I return here whenever I need to be grounded in peace, harmony and Spirit ...

There is one power, one creative energy in the world; this energy is fully present in my awareness now ... this energy is the same energy that animates my friends, family and loved ones ... we come from the same source and coexist in an infinitely interrelated world ... I celebrate this truth even as I relax into the place of peace within ...

Into this harmonious vision I speak my word, knowing it has creative impact on the one mind from which we all come: I open myself to receiving the love of a special friend and, in opening to receive, I open to give of myself in forming a loving and healthy and fulfilling love relationship. I see it, I feel it, I honor it ... Yes!

My gratitude wells up naturally and easily within for the gift of harmony, peace and love that Spirit brings to me as I relax, speak my word in faith believing and patiently open to outcome.

I release this experience into the flow of evolution knowing as I see it, as I speak it, so it is in truth, and so I let it be.


(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which YOU most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

First published on SharePrayer 10/12/98

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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Law of Attraction -- Mother Lets Me be Me

I am able to be me now ...

For You to feel the support of the Mother of us all and to relax into her cradling arms and release all resistance into the infinite compassion of Mother's love ...

I am one with the infinite Mother, I am one with Love ... I relax into these words and the melody that goes with them ... I know I am contained in an infinite womb of creation and caring and nurturing ... for I am born of woman and in infinite space I live ... as I know this is true of me, I know and affirm it is true for everyone and most especially You ...

I know there is one power, one Spirit everywhere equally present in this space, enlivening and activating all that exists to be just what it is ... the effect of Father time is everywhere, unfolding eternal creation within infinite space ... I feel this Spirit in me now and know and affirm It is present in everything else, most especially You ...

I know life, existence, space and time are not static or stationary in any way ... We exist in an evolving universe and change is the only constant ... I know this is true as I sit here now for me ... and I know and affirm it is true for everything in space and time ... most especially You ...

I know that beneath all the dark mysteries in life there is light ... the ground of our being is light, that spark that first enlivens movement in infinite space is light ... in whatever darkness that assails my body ... in whatever darkness that clouds my mind ... I know the light is burning away at it, to dissolve and dissipate it as the sun evaporates the fog on a summer morning ... I place my awareness in my heart, the home of the Sun within me ... I open this window to the universal light, the ever present Father to warm me, cradled in Mother's arms ... I feel the warmth of the Father coming to me through my heart and the heart of Mother ...

I am one with the infinite, eternal goodness of existence ... I am one with the wholeness, completeness, perfectness of the whole ... I release all that is artificial and illusory into the allness and accept myself as whole, complete and perfect ... now and forevermore ... I know and affirm this is true for all that speak this, hear this, feel this, know this within themselves ... most especially You ...

Thank you Spirit within for bringing these words and feelings and knowings to me now in my time of need ... I accept your warmth, your compassion, your power into my life and body now and am washed clean ... I release that which holds me down into the flow of your love and know I am able ... able to be free now ... able to be me now ... able to express myself fully now ... able to claim health and wealth in all areas of life now ... able, yes, able! ... able to claim that which serves my highest good and the highest good of my community as real and present now ...

From the unknown we come and into the unknown we return ... I release these words into the mystery knowing they are true and effective even before they are spoken ... and so it is and so I let it be ...

Blessed are we!

(First published on SharePrayer 8-28-97)

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Law of Attraction -- Win Win in Dilemmas

I relax and feel a common bond of love ...

For You to relax into Oneness with Spirit and trust intuition to guide you to a win win solution to any apparent interpersonal dilemma. To feel and act with strength, courage and clarity.

Relaxing into this new day, I breathe deeply and let it go ... Yes, I am alive ... I am alive with Spirit ... I am alive with Creation ... I am alive with my own unique Gift to bring to this world ...

There is one Power, one creative Intelligence equally available everywhere in creation. I feel the presence of this power and intelligence in me right now. It is always with me, It can be no other way. I know this power is good and guides me to my highest good when I relax and listen. As this is true for me right now I know it is true for all creation because we are One. I let It guide me on my path through life.

Being One with Spirit I speak my word into the creative medium of Mind, knowing that here my word takes shape and manifests in the world. Everything in manifestation has a mental equivalent and I set my stage with my thought now. I relax and feel a common bond of love holding all creation together. I relax further into this feeling ...

I do unto others as I would have them do unto me ... I take this principle and use it as my guide in dealing with others. I look into the eyes of my business contacts and see the common bond of love deep in their being and respond in kind. I show up exactly as I am in truth; I listen with equanimity; I speak my truth without blame or judgement; and remain open to outcome. I am clear that Spirit is in charge and I am a unique expression of Spirit. I know that I bring my special goodness to each and every situation I am in and relax into this truth and let my thoughts, ideas, needs and desires flow. Life is Good!

Clearly grounded in Spirit I am grateful for this time, this contact, this feeling of power, courage and clarity I feel now and know is always with me. Thank you Spirit for your constant guidance.

I release these words into creation unfolding and am one with the flow. And so it is.


(First published on SharePrayer 10/10/98)

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Law of Attraction -- Faced with Life Threatening Illness

Silently I sit and think of Spirit ...

For You to know the perfection of Life and your powerful role in bringing happiness to yourself and your loved ones, especially when faced with life threatening illness.

Silently I sit and think of Spirit ... I wonder at all the complications I see in Life ... As I wonder I listen to the wind blow the bushes against the house ... I feel questions of right and wrong rush through my brain ... a murmuring, whispering, searching for solidity, solidness, sureness ... I breathe deeply and relax, letting go of all except thoughts of Spirit ...

Spirit, all there is, all of creation, the intelligence bringing forth you and me and the birds and the bees and the flowers in the trees ... there is no spot Spirit is not wholly, completely and perfectly present ...

In this moment I am comforted by these words ... They remind me that I am not alone, that I am filled with the same Spirit that is everywhere equally present ... I am comforted by this feeling because I know I am filled with the creative power of Spirit as You and all your loved ones are ...

We are One with everything in the universe -- separation is a fiction! I feel happiness in this knowing that no matter what appears to happen in Life we are One with each other and the Love that bonds us together is infinite and eternal ...

The Love and Respect I feel in this moment for the wholeness and perfection of life unfolding carries me forward confident and peaceful. I release my cares and concerns to Spirit, knowing that in this larger picture all is working out perfectly. The healing power of Spirit is expressing itself uninhibited by doubt through each of us: patient, family, health care providers ...

I know peace comes easily to those around me when I relax and fill my thoughts with love and respect for the inherent intelligence of life; I relax and trust in love and respect to allow life to unfold naturally and easily ... I know healing, wholeness, perfection, is the truth for each of us always ... In this moment I hold in my consciousness the right outcome for all involved: health care providers, family and patient. Each and everyone is inspired to be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right mood.

Life unfolds in many unexpected ways but Love and Peace are always at the core of each situation. I look within and they are right here where I am. As I relax into this truth I visualize the wholeness and perfection of life as it is here in my center and I consciously watch it radiate out enlivening the healing power of Love and Peace in me ... as this happens with me, I see it happening with all involved in this situation: health care providers, family and patient ... the power of Love and Peace and Spirit's guidance are everywhere equally present now ...

I know and claim that what is true for me in Oneness is true for my loved ones. I accept with gratitude the fullness of this eternal moment of Love and Peace and choose to return here whenever doubts appear, for in Oneness there is always happiness. I accept the wholeness and perfection that is the core of our being. I say thank you Spirit for illuminating the Love and Peace I find within me and my loved ones.

I release these words to ever present Intelligence knowing their Truth expands eternally and belongs equally to us all, always.

And so I let it be and so it is!


(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which YOU most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

(First published on SharePrayer 7-2-97)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Law of Attraction -- Sort Out Life into Divine Right Order

I know and feel and experience the Divine order ...

To let go and let God as I sort out my life and accept Divine right order, including prosperity, into everyday living easily and naturally.

One ever-present Spirit flows easily and gently throughout all creation. I am one with this Spirit as I easily and gently collect my thoughts and relax into this moment, clear my throat and speak these words:

I know there is One Life, One Spirit and One Intelligence that is equally present everywhere in the Universe. Resting securely in this knowing, in this feeling, in this truth, I am one with It as an unique expression of Oneness. And as an unique expression of this Oneness I have all the qualities of Spirit and Intelligence right here, right now. My expression is one with the whole and, at the same time, one of a kind. I enjoy this understanding, this presence, and relax into it with a feeling of unlimited possibilities spread out before me.

In this relaxed, creative, unlimited state of mind I speak my word knowing my words initiate change in my life. I know and feel and experience the divine order of the Universe unfolding one step at a time as does my life, as does each life.

I affirm that in this unfoldment each step grows out of the preceding one and that each one moves me toward realizing my highest good. With Spirit as my guide I move forward confident, secure, strong. Now, trusting fully and completely this reality, I appreciate each miracle, each challenge, each revelation, each solution, for just what it is: another step along the way. I open my mind, heart and body to accept the inspiration of Spirit with each breath I take, with each thought I make, with each word I state as I consciously enter fully and completely into the process of life.

With my awareness fully engaged in this spiritual unfoldment, I find myself one with the abundance of the universe ... by freely and easily giving the special gifts my unique expression brings to the world I am gifted in return. I know this is true for me and I know this is true for each one because we are all subject to the same universal laws in our own unique unfoldment. This is good, very good.

With deep humility and appreciation I gratefully accept this Truth right here and right now. I know Spirit works through natural law to create my good even before being asked, and as I release these words to the law of creation, I know this Truth is present even now in my life.

And I simply let it be so ... and so it is.


(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which YOU most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

(First published on SharePrayer 6/5/05)

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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Law of Attraction -- Love, Light, Peace in New Year

This is a year of universal love, light and peace ...

To bless and honor the turning of the year with intention and conviction for and about the goodness that it brings to me and to the world.

Breathing in, breathing out, I relax into this time and place, again and again I breathe as I straighten my spine, place my feet on the floor, hold my neck straight and let go of tension in my body and mind. Here I am, ready to give my attention to Spirit within and to receive that which I seek.

One Spirit, one God, one Creator equally present throughout the universe, informing all that exists with its essence, springing forth into form in the diversity we witness as nature, the natural outpouring of creativity of this intelligence at the heart of all that exists.

I look into my heart, I find Spirit there, expressing itself as me; I relax into this witnessing and choose to consciously speak my word, creating that which I most desire to experience, and manifest in my life as this year turns over in the annals of time.

I claim this to be a year of ease and comfort as I strengthen my connection with God within and allow good health and inspiration to flow through me easily and naturally.

I claim this to be a year of joy and celebration with family and friends as we connect through our hearts and find our true, mutual strengths through these connections.

I claim this to be a year of financial prosperity as all the seeds that have been planted in previous years grow and mature and bear fruit. I harvest these fruits happily even as I plant more seeds.

I claim this to be a year of peace for the world as I find peace within myself as I set clear, achievable objectives and stay in the present moment as I move forward one step at a time carefully keeping my balance between world and spirit, work and play, planting and harvesting.

I claim this to be a year of understanding and compassion within each heart that beats in this world and that love replaces hate as the people all over the world discover that loving their neighbor is more productive and safer than hating them.

With love, light and peace in my heart I release this word into the law that always says yes, yes, yes to honest, heartfelt declarations of good for self and others, because in truth we are all one with each other and Creator.

And so I joyfully let it be now and forever more; and so it is.

Blessed Be

(Use the affirmations above to remind yourself of your truth throughout the day. And, remember, you are free to use your own words in the prayer to claim that which YOU most desire. This is written to read silently or aloud as your own, slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with a friend. The more you feel, in yourself, the truth you put in the prayer, the more you experience that truth in life.)

(First published on SharePrayer 1/1/07)

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