Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Law of Attraction -- Peace in Middle East

I accept a Peaceful World filled with Love...

To bring Peace to the Middle East.

Yes, here I sit, feeling hopeless about the situation in the Middle East. Man's inhumanity to man seems to know no bounds. As I sit feelings of compassion arise in me. What can I do to bring Peace to this situation?

I sit still in this moment and look out the window at the grass, the cat, the ducks, the blooming red bud tree, the slight movement caused by the breeze and I feel the essence of nature present here now. I breathe regularly and easily as I wonder about the essence of nature...

The essence of nature is at the heart of all that exists. The essence of nature holds all together in oneness because it is the creative process that brings all there is into existence. This essence is the same in me as it is in all people. It is the same essence present in the people of the Middle East right now. I relax into this essence and feel at one with the people of the Middle East.

I know this essence is creative in this moment and every moment. In this deep feeling space I turn my attention to the creation of Peace; peace within myself first and then allowing it to spiral out bringing peace to the heart of all those people I am joined with in the Middle East. I know this feeling of peace spreads easily and naturally filling all with a deep yearning for peace; a deep yearning that brings forth action to support its immediate experience in the world.

I take this time to create an environment of peace in my mind and to cultivate this attitude throughout this day and each day. I accept my ability to hold the high watch for peace in the world, by finding this peaceful essence within me whenever I relax and bring it to mind. I share this feeling with all the leaders of the world, sending them seeds of peace. I know these seeds grow and affect their daily decisions that impact the world.

I accept a peaceful world filled with that love that is everyone's birthright. I accept that this peaceful world begins with me. I am grateful for this connection I feel with the essence of nature. I know I am not alone in my desire for a world of peace and I add my voice to all others that speak out for peace.

Now while the feeling is hot and present in mind, I release it to the creative process knowing that Peace is manifest in the world now. So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed are We

(First published on SharePrayer 4-11-02)

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