Law of Attraction in Action -- SharePrayer Archive

Started off with idea of writing in this daily, but it has become the archive for my daily postings to so they are available for those that have requested the ability to access previously published affirmative prayer treatments. Visit to sign up for daily poetic mini meditations.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Law of Attraction -- For the Newly Wed Couple

Each day I choose ...

To honor and remember the moment We take each other into Our hearts as One -- as friends, lovers and lifetime partners.

Relaxing into this day's sounds I take this time to reflect on life. Breathing deeply and evenly I let go of all thoughts except those of breathing. I watch my breath and relax. I allow my awareness to leave the superficial and go deep into my heart; the rhythm of my breath takes me there one step at a time ...

Here I pause and look around. I see in my mind's eye that the feeling, the knowing here deep in my center is universal in nature. There is one creator of all that is. All creation is centered in the same source. I relax into this center in me now, in this moment. This moment is timeless and spaceless in truth and I let go of all else, relaxing into the center of life ...

Here I know my words and thoughts are one with the creative source of life and I choose them carefully and speak them clearly as I choose my path to happiness and fulfillment in this life ...

I choose you, my friend, my lover, my partner to move forward in life as one committed couple. I choose to take your hand as we move together through the veils of illusion that appear to block us from our true expression and happiness to that destination that is so vivid in mind now. I choose a lifetime of fun, feeling, philosophy and frontiering with you, dear one. I Love you unconditionally; I accept you as you are.

And I am so grateful for the strength of Spirit I feel in this moment, here in the center of creation, here within me. I accept within myself all the qualities of Spirit and express them easily and naturally. I am Love, Light, Joy, Peace, Beauty, Power and Life itself and I know you are all this, too. And joined together in this Holy Commitment, we are more than this.

Well, my love, I release these words into the center of life, knowing they are true even before being spoken. So it is and so I let it be.

Blessed Be

(This is written with my friends in mind, read it slowly, peacefully, passionately; feel it with your body, your mind and your inborn Spirit; share it with your friend. The more you feel in yourself the truth in the prayer, the more you will experience that truth in your life; and your friends in their life. Use the affirmation at the top to remind you of the truth you have claimed throughout each day.)

(Originally published on SharePrayer 6/21/98)


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